Navigating Entrepreneurship: My MBET Journey at the Conrad School

Monday, June 17, 2024
by Nugwa Omani

Navigating Entrepreneurship: My MBET Journey at the Conrad School

The journey to choosing the MBET program was one marked by thoughtful deliberation and careful planning. If I was to be thousands of miles away from my family and friends, the program had to be worth it, right?

For me, the standout feature of the MBET program compared to a traditional MBA was its focus on building and scaling my own business – an essential goal for me as I aim to create my own unicorn. 

Upon entering the MBET program, I found myself overwhelmed with ideas but unsure where to start. Over time, the program provided clarity, helping me refine these ideas into tangible concepts. The professors were outstanding – they were not only knowledgeable but also incredibly supportive and approachable. Their willingness to lend a helping hand and offer guidance at every step made a significant difference in my journey. 

Professional headshot of MBET student

My objective in joining the program was to discover a profitable idea that I could develop further. However, this was dependent on one crucial factor – it had to be something I genuinely enjoyed. This led to the creation of Omani Collection, a fashion venture aimed at connecting African women in North America with stylish traditional clothing from African designers.

With the support of our incredible professors and through engaging with like-minded individuals in the Kitchener-Waterloo ecosystem, I have already pivoted once in my journey.  

The realization that validation is an ongoing process was a game-changer for me. This was particularly highlighted during a class discussion on the book "The Mom Test". The book emphasizes the importance of asking the right questions to avoid biased feedback, a concept that was a revelation to me. At that time, I was in the early stages of validating my idea, and it felt like a eureka moment. I realized I had been asking all the wrong questions and left that class determined to correct my approach. 

The MBET program has been impactful to me for several reasons. It is refreshing to hear the professors give feedback with such candor, especially in a world where people are more inclined to tell you what you want to hear rather than what you need to hear. This honesty has been crucial in helping me identify and address weaknesses in my plans. Beyond academic and professional growth, the MBET program has also been a journey of personal development, as it has taught me resilience, adaptability, and the importance of continuous learning. 

For anyone determined to build something or who even has an idea, the Conrad School is the ideal place to be. The combination of rigorous academic training, real-world application, and a supportive community makes it a unique and enriching experience. Additionally, the surrounding tech ecosystem is a treasure trove of opportunities, enriched by the Conrad School's efforts to make exclusive events accessible to MBET students.