MBET Alumni startup uses saliva tests to detect concussions
In an exciting development that could transform concussion detection, HeadFirst, a pioneering biotechnology startup founded by MBET alumni Andrew Cordssen-David, is working on a revolutionary rapid saliva-based test.
Cordssen-David, a former University of Waterloo varsity hockey player and graduate of the Master of Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology (MBET) program, is leading this effort to create a faster, more objective method for diagnosing concussions.
The test leverages a unique biomarker released by the brain following traumatic injury and delivers results within minutes. This innovation is a direct result of Cordssen-David’s personal experiences with head injuries and the realization that existing concussion protocols often rely too heavily on subjective assessments.
Although still in its development phase, this test has the potential to significantly enhance sports safety. By offering a rapid, non-invasive method to detect concussions, it could prevent premature returns to play and help reduce recovery times. The collaborative efforts at Waterloo, combining entrepreneurial insight with cutting-edge research, suggest that the future of concussion detection is promising.
For more on this innovative project, visit Detecting concussions with a simple spit test for the full story.