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Doug Sparkes, BE, MASc, PhD, is a Lecturer at the Conrad School of Entrepreneurship and Business. In his earlier roles, he was the Chief Operating Officer at Rapid Laboratory Microsystem and the Chief Engineer for the National Research Council of Canada. Doug received his PhD and MASc from the University of Waterloo. He teaches BET 607 - Managing Technological Innovation, BET 410 A/B - Capstone Entrepreneurship Planning and Execution, BET- 411 Capstone Planning Entrepreneurship and Execution, and BET - 412 Advanced Topics in Entrepreneurship.
- Entrepreneurship education
- Application of new technologies to education
- Emerging technologies, especially environmental and energy related
- Systems Engineering, particularly the application of fuzzy systems
- Technology transfer and commercialization
- BET 607 Managing Technological Innovation
- BET 410 A/B Capstone Entrepreneurship Planning and Execution
- BET 411 Capstone Planning Entrepreneurship and Execution
- BET 412 Advanced Topics in Entrepreneurship
- PhD, Engineering, University of Waterloo
- Master of Applied Science, University of Waterloo, 1994
- Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical), Carleton University, 1981
Academic positions
- Lecturer, Conrad School of Entrepreneurship and Business, University of Waterloo, 2016
- Associate Director, Undergraduate Programs, Conrad School of Entrepreneurship and Business, University of Waterloo, 2014-2016
- Interim Director, Conrad School of Entrepreneurship and Business, University of Waterloo, January 2013 - December 2013
- Director - UW Innovate, University of Waterloo, 2002 - 2005
- Assistant Professor, Department of Management Sciences, 2000 - 2003
Industry experience
- Chief Operating Officer, Rapid Laboratory Microsystems Inc., 2004 - 2006
- Engineering and Technology Consultant, D.I. SPARKES & Associates, 1994 - 2008
- Joint Astronomy Centre (JAC), Chief Engineer, National Research Council of Canada, 1989 - 1991
- Joint Astronomy Centre (JAC), Senior Electrical Engineer, National Research Council of Canada, 1987 - 1989
- Control Engineer, National Research Council of Canada, 1984 - 1987
- Control Systems Engineer, Stelco Inc., 1981 - 1984
Research interests
My current research interests include:
- Entrepreneurship education
- Application of new technologies to education
- Emerging technologies, especially environmental and energy related.
- Systems Engineering, particularly the application of fuzzy systems. This is an area of interest to me and am seeking to expand in this area.
- Technology transfer and commercialization
Selected publications
- Armitage, H., Bischoff, C., Schmidlin, K., Sparkes, D. 2018. “Jamii: A Virtual Incubation Platform for Entrepreneurs” Journal of International Business Research and Marketing 3 (2), 19-23
- Sparkes, D. Schmidlin, K., Hsu, M. 2016. “Virtual Learning Environment for Entrepreneurship: A Conceptual Model”. Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. Vol. 14, No.3, 22-24.
- Jin, X., Peldszus, S., Sparkes, D,, 2014. “Modeling Ozone Reaction Rate Constants of Micropollutants Using Quantitative Structure-Property Relationships”. Ozone: Science & Engineering: The Journal of the International Ozone Association, 36:4, 289-302, DOI: 10.1080/01919512.2014.910444
- Alam, M.S., Guild, P., Sparkes, D., 2013. “Technology-Scanning Capability - A Scale to Measure Firms’ Ability to Sense or Respond to Changing Technological Landscape” International Journal of Advances in Management Science. Vol. 2, Issue 2
- Alam, M.S., Guild, P., Sparkes, D., 2013. “Market-Scanning Capability - A Scale to Measure Firms’ Ability to Sense or Respond to the Changes in the Marketplace” International Journal of Business and Management. Vol. 8, No. 4
- Alam, M.S., Guild, P., Sparkes, D. 2012 “Market-Scanning Capability - A Scale to Measure Firms’ Ability to Sense or Respond to the Changes in the Marketplace” International Journal of Business and Management.
- Jin X., Peldszus, S., Sparkes, D., Huck, P. 2012 Predicting the Reactivity of Micropollutants with Ozone by Modeling their Reaction Rate Constants. Submitted for possible presentation at AWWA’s Water Quality and Technology Conference (WQTC)
- Hauck, G., Tomasson Goodwin, J., Goodwin, D., Guild, P., Sparkes, D. 2011 “‘Seeding a Lead’:Exploring the Live Theatre Industry’s Reception of a Pre-Market Canadian Display Technology”. Body, Space & Technology Journal.
- Mann, Thomas; O'Hagan, Liam; Ertl, Peter; Sparkes, Douglas; Mikkelsen, Susan “Microplate-Compatible Biamperometry Array for Parallel 48-Channel Amperometric or Coulometric Measurements". 2008. Analytical Chemistry. Web version published Mar 15, 2008
- Sparkes, D. and Guild, P. “What Makes a Technology Cluster Tick? The Region of Waterloo, One of the World’s Top “Intelligent Communities”." 2007. Applied Research in Economic Development. Vol. 7, No. 1
Selected awards and honours
2015 | Conrad OCE Award renewal. $220K over 2 years. Sparkes D. |
2013 | Conrad component of OCE - Campus Lead Accelerator Program (CLA) $430k over 3 years. Sparkes D. |
2012 |
GMAC Grant 1.6M “The Virtual Incubation Program at the University of Waterloo: Establishing a Program with International Outreach to Build Prosperous Business Ecosystems around the Globe.” McNaughton, R., Armitage, H., Sparkes D., Jackson, T. |
2008 |
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). Grant $220,000 (Matched by Christie Digital). “Seeding the Lead: Commecialization of a digital imaging technology in the theatre industry”. J. Tomasson-Goodwin, P. Guild, G. Hauck, G. Stillar, D. Goodwin, D. Sparkes |
2007 |
University of Waterloo ‘LIF’ Grant. $20,000. “Towards the Alignment of Expectations: Understanding and Subsequently Guiding Learner Choice for Classroom Versus Web-based Delivery Formats for a Large Undergraduate Course in 'Organizational Behaviour' “. P. Guild and D. Sparkes. |