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Future students

The University of Waterloo was designed to be different.

We have a global reputation for academic excellence and award-winning faculty members, research chairs, and industry partners. We are leaders in experiential learning and entrepreneurship. We offer relevant and innovativeĀ graduate programs across disciplines. We support the actualization of ideas and the ownership of intellectual property.

Waterloo has built an entrepreneurial ecosystem that propels students to transform and disrupt the status quo. We offer our graduate students opportunities to engage in experiential learning and connect with industry to support them in inquiry and impact-driven research. We have a wide range of professional and online programs that, alongside our research programs, support our students in the creation of personal, economic, and societal value.

Our graduate students are shaping nutrition policy, building tools for clean energy storage, and using climate change risk to reimagine investment policy and practice. They are engaging in world-changing, perspective-altering, life-improving research.

Why Waterloo for grad studies?