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2023 Darcy Lecture
Join us for the 2023 Darcy Lecture.
M.Sc. Defence
Adam Calvert, M.Sc. candidate
Thesis Title: Assessing sensitivity of subsurface mine-dewatering activities to climate change.
REMOTE: 9:00 to 12:00
Remote Participants must request an invitation from the candidate, who will then share a registration link.
Ph.D. Defence
Jovana Radosavljevic, Ph.D. Candidate
Thesis Title: Land use changes and salinization impacts on lake phosphorus cycling and water quality.
EIT 2053, 1:00 to 4:00
In person and Remote
Remote Participants must request an invitation from the candidate, who will then share a registration link.
2023 Farvolden Lecture
Dr. Masaki Hayashi, Department of Geoscience, University of Calgary
The role of Canadian research in advancing groundwater hydrology: historial sketches from the past 75 years
Reception to follow in EIT first floor foyer, everyone welcome!
Ph.D. Defence: Tong Hong
Tong Hong, PhD candidate
Supervisor: Dr. Shoufa Lin
Thesis Title: Structural and Tectonic Evolution of the Beishan Area, NW China
9:00 AM
Ph.D. Defence: Bowen Zhou
Bowen Zhou, PhD candidate
Supervisor: Dr. Philippe Van Cappellen
Thesis Title: Modelling the effects of stormwater best management practices on urban stormwater runoff phosphorus
9:00 AM
Hybrid: OPT (Optometry Building) Rm 350 and online (MS Teams)
World Wetlands Day 2025
Join us for the 13th Annual World Wetlands Day Research Symposium at the University of Waterloo. The event will consist of an undergraduate and graduate poster session and reception followed by a distinguished lecture by Dr. Hilary Dugan entitled, "Should we care about freshwater salinization?"
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