Carol Ptacek

Professor, Contaminant Hydrology and Geochemistry, University Research Chair in Earth & Environmental Sciences
Location: EIT 5001
Phone: 519-888-4567 x32230
Dr. Carol Ptacek conducts research on a variety of topics in contaminant hydrogeology and geochemistry, including studies on mechanisms controlling the fate and transport of metals, nutrients, pathogens, organic compounds in groundwater.
She leads the Groundwater Geochemistry Remediation Group together with David Blowes.
She leads the Groundwater Geochemistry Remediation Group together with David Blowes.
Research Interests
- Fate and transport of contaminants in groundwater, including metals, nutrients, pathogens, and organic chemicals
- Reactions and transformations of contaminants in the subsurface (geochemistry)
- Threats to Aquatic Ecosystems and their Interaction
- Climate Change and Geosciences
- Increasingly Complex Water Challenges
- Protection of Surface and Groundwater Resources
- Contamination and Remediation: Water, Soil, Air
Scholarly Research
Dr. Carol Ptacek conducts research on a variety of topics in contaminant hydrogeology and geochemistry, including studies on mechanisms controlling the fate and transport of metals, nutrients, pathogens, organic compounds in groundwater, and the development of passive methods for remediating contaminated groundwater.
She conducts field and laboratory studies and complements these with numerical modelling techniques. Her current research focuses on passive groundwater remediation technologies, the release and transport of metals at northern mine sites, the fate of wastewater contaminants in shallow sand aquifers, and the fate of emerging contaminants in the environment.
- 1992, Doctorate Geochemistry, University of Waterloo, Canada
- 1985, Master of Science Contaminant Hydrogeology, University of Waterloo, Canada
- 1981, Bachelor of Science (BSc) Geology and Geophysics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, United States
- 2017 Outstanding Performance Award
- 2006 The Better World Report, Technology Transfer Stories: Top 25 Innovations That Changed the World (for Groundwater PRB Technology)
- 2002 Canada Council of Ministers of the Environment - Certificate of Appreciation for coorganisation of science-policy workshop
- 2000 Editor’s Citation for Excellence in Manuscript Review - Journal of Environmental Quality
- 1999 Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC)/Conference Board of Canada, Synergy Award for Groundwater Modelling Studies
- 1992 W.B. Pearson Medal for Creativity in the Ph.D. Studies, University of Waterloo
- 1984 Best Paper Award, Oil and Freshwater Conference, Edmonton, Alberta
Professional Associations
- Member, American Chemical Society
- Member, American Geophysical Union
- Member, Geochemical Society
- Member, Geological Society of America
- Member, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Affiliations and Volunteer Work
- The Water Institute (member)
- Waterloo Centre for Microbial Research (member)
- EARTH 421 - Advanced Geochemistry
- Taught in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
- EARTH 621 - Aqueous Geochemistry
- Taught in 2022
- EARTH 653 - Contaminant Hydrogeology
- Taught in 2021, 2023, 2024
* Only courses taught in the past 5 years are displayed.
- Blowes, D.W., Ptacek, C.J., Baker, M., 1996. Treatment of wastewater. G.B. Patent 962338-7, filed November 11, 1996 (issued, 2000); Canada Patent 2,190,038, filed November 11, 1996; U.S. Patent 08,745,734, filed November 12, 1996 (issued, 1999).
- Blowes, D.W., Ptacek, C.J., 1996. System for treating contaminated groundwater. Continuation in part. U.S. Patent 5,514,279, filed October 27, 1994, issued May 7, 1996.
- Robertson, W.D., Blowes, D.W., Ptacek, C.J, 1994. Treatment of agricultural run-off. U.S. Patent 5,330,651 filed May 8, 1992, issued July 19, 1994; Canada Patent 2,068,283.
- Blowes, D.W., Ptacek, C.J., 1994. System for treating contaminated groundwater. U.S. Patent 5,362,394 filed March 3, 1992, issued Nov. 8, 1994; Canada patent 2,062,204, filed March 3, 1992, issued July 7, 1998; European Patent 92103559.8, filed March 2, 1992, allowed, January 2000 (U.K., Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Sweden).
- Blowes, D.W., Ptacek, C.J., 1990. Treatment of mine tailings. U.K. patent 2,219,617 filed June 9, 1988, issued August 19, 1992; U.S. patent 4,990,031 filed June 7, 1989, issued February 5, 1991; Canada patent 1,327,027, filed June 7, 1989, issued February 15, 1994.