Register for EDGE

Welcome to EDGE! The experiential education certificate program for undergraduate students in regular (non-co-op) programs at Waterloo. 

Now that you’ve read about EDGE and decided you’re interested, please submit this form to initiate the EDGE registration process. If you have any unanswered questions about registration or the EDGE program, please contact us at before completing and submitting this form.

This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.
By completing and submitting this registration form, I acknowledge that providing the information below doesn't guarantee my acceptance into the EDGE program. I acknowledge that all communication with the EDGE team will be sent to the University of Waterloo email address I will provide while completing the form. I also acknowledge that it's my responsibility to monitor that email account. Finally, I acknowledge that it's my responsibility to ensure that the contact information listed under my name in Quest is correct.
AccessAbility Services
The University of Waterloo is committed to ensuring all students can access, and meaningfully participate in, their education. Students registered with AccessAbility Services may be eligible to receive accommodations on their work in EDGE (e.g., assignments). If you need accommodations to support you in the completion of EDGE, do you consent to have current and/or future accommodation plans shared with the EDGE team? 
Are you enrolled in a traditional (i.e., non-co-op) undergraduate program?
Please note that only students in traditional undergraduate programs are eligible to complete the EDGE program. At this time, undergraduate students in co-op programs and graduate students are not eligible for EDGE.
What kind of academic program are you completing?
Select your faculty:
Are you a full-time or a part-time student?
Were you previously enrolled in a co-op program?
Students with experience in a co-op program may be eligible for EDGE milestones depending on their co-op activity. The EDGE team will contact students who are eligible to receive milestones for their previous co-op experiences.
How did you hear about EDGE?
What are your post-graduation plans?
The EDGE certificate will support you in your career exploration. At this time, should you have a post-graduation end goal in mind, please let us know below. This question will help the EDGE team tailor content to suit participants’ needs.