PhD seminar - Shihan Sajeed

Friday, August 11, 2017 2:00 pm - 2:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)


Shihan Sajeed


Quantum cryptography: saving our secrets in the era of quantum computers


Vadim Makarov (Physics and Astronomy) and Christopher Wilson


Modern information and communication technology (ICT), including internet, smart phones, cloud computing, GPS, e-commerce, e-Health and internet of things (IoT), all rely fundamentally on cryptography. However, there is a high chance that modern cryptography will be annihilated upon the arrival of quantum computers. This demands for making the current ICT systems immune to attacks from quantum computers. The task is huge, hard and time-consuming; and there is every probability that quantum computers will arrive before it is complete. Hence, it is of utmost importance to understand the risk and start planning for the solution now. Quantum cryptography (QC) – utilizing the power of quantum mechanics – can provide a solution to this problem in theory. However, in practice, devices behave differently than expected leaving gaps between theory and practice. This gap leads to loopholes that can be exploited by an adversary to hack the system. In this talk, I am going to provide an overview of several such gaps that I have discovered during my PhD - that allows an eavesdropper to break the security.