Engineers among hidden heroes of the pandemic; role in technological strides is vital, Mary Wells writes
Published in the Vancouver Sun (Print Edition)·
CA|May 02, 2020·09:05am
Edition: Final·Section: Opinion·Page: B3
Published in the Vancouver Sun (Print Edition)·
CA|May 02, 2020·09:05am
Edition: Final·Section: Opinion·Page: B3
The recent coronavirus pandemic has brought back attention towards maintaining a cordial relationship with our environment. In the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, the whole world has come to a standstill as roads become empty and factories shut down.
Back in the day — think of your grandparents' time and before — people would stuff a few dollars into some jam jars each week as a way of budgeting for expenses and saving for big-ticket purchases from Christmas presents to a new sofa.
Software engineering and nanotechnology engineering teams of graduating students win $10,000 each to commercialize Capstone Design projects.
The new format, which replaced in-person presentations at the Norman Esch Entrepreneurship Awards for Capstone Design due to the coronavirus crisis, gave graduating students five minutes to explain their projects instead of the usual three minutes, followed by questions.
Students at Waterloo Engineering claimed the majority of prizes in a pair of recent competitions organized by the Concept entrepreneurship and pre-incubator program. In the Concept $5K Finals - formerly the Velocity Fund Finals - teams featuring our nanotechnology engineering students took one of four $5,000 awards, plus the $500 People’s Champ prize, for students with business ideas.
Electrical and Computer Engineering’s Mohammed Nassar is this year’s award recipient of the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance Award for Teaching Excellence. Nassar received overwhelming support from his students endorsing his candidacy.
Electrical and computer engineering professor, Claudio Canizares, has been designated "University Professor" by the University of Waterloo's Tenure & Promotion Committee.
Abdollah Pil-Ali, a PhD student in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, supervised by Professor Karim Karim, has won third place at the 2020 IEEE Student Poster Presentation for the poster titled: Illumination Curve Extraction of A Coded-Aperture Phase Contrast X-Ray Imaging System Using A High-Resolution X-ray Detector.
Researchers in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) will receive $780,000 from the provincial government to further research innovation in Ontario. The Ontario Research Fund-Research Infrastructure (ORF-RI) awards advance research programs by supporting infrastructure needs such as equipment and modern facilities. The announcement is part of a larger investment by the Province of Ontario aimed at advancing Ontario’s competitive edge.
Researchers from the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) at the University of Waterloo report the first occurrence of directly splitting one photon into three.