Design Analysis Competition

Sponsored by Ansys

The Design Analysis Competition, sponsored by Ansys, is to encourage the effective application of appropriate engineering analyses in the execution of a capstone design project.

Students from any University of Waterloo Engineering program in their final year of study are encouraged to apply.


Winners will be announced at the winning team's department symposium in March/April.  First place prize is $2000, first runner up will receive $1200 and second runner up will receive a prize of $800.

Important Dates

Friday, February 21, 2025: One-page summary due

Tuesday, February 25, 2025: Notifications of acceptance sent out

Monday, March 3, 2025: Presentations to judges

Presentation rubric: 

Application Instructions

Questions and applications should be addressed to Chris Rennick at

Past Winners

Year Winning Teams

First Prize: "OSCAR" - Mechatronics Engineering

First Runner Up: Optislot - Management Engineering

Second Runner Up (Tie): AdhereRx - Biomedial Engineering

Second Runner Up (Tie): Material Sheet Transfer Improvement - Mechanical Engineering


First Prize: F1 AutoAero: Design and analysis of an automated system for repositioning Formula 1 drag reduction systems during windtunnel testing - Mechatronics Engineering

First Runner Up (Tie): IsoFlex: Design of a sensor that combines microporous composites to create two unidirectional strain-sensing structures, and combines their responses to achieve multidirectional force sensing - Nanotechnology Engineering

First Runner Up (Tie): UW Formula Motorsports Aerodynamic Package: The focus of this project was to redesign the aerodynamic package to introduce an undertray for the 2023 car while also making improvements to the front wing and nose cone - Mechanical Engineering

Second Runner Up (Tie): Heliocopter: The project developed an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) that can operate in inaccessible locations. Analytical methods were used for aerodynamic and structural optimizations, propulsion system requirements, and power electronics design. - Mechatronics Engineering

Second Runner Up (Tie): Endonostix: Development of custom analysis tools for the design of a non-surgical diagnostic tool for endometriosis - Nanotechnology Engineering


First Prize: MAJC Window: Acoustical device that delivers outside air to a room without the sounds of the city - Mechanical Engineering

First Runner Up: Origam-e: A portable, high performance, electric personal mobility vehicle - Mechanical Engineering

Second Runner Up: Petalos: flexible gastrointestinal modular endoscope with an autoclavable body - Biomedical Engineering


First Prize: Project Lumos: Smart Blue Light Therapy Glasses for Sleep and Wellness - Mechanical Engineering

First Runner Up: Buckling Analysis of a Steel Spaceframe Control Arm - Mechanical Engineering

Second Runner Up: Project SINEW: System for In-Space Nanothermite External Welding


First Prize: Reduction of Carbon Emissions in Integrated Steel Plants - Chemical Engineering

First Runner Up: Smartphone Optical Zoom with Liquid Crystel Lens - Nanotechnology Engineering

Second Runner Up (Tie): Shoulder Watch: Quantifying Arm Elevation in the Workplace - Mechanical Engineering
Academic Pulse: Generation and Optimization of Elementary School Timetables - Management Engineering


First Prize: Model Creation adn Validation of a Pulp and Paper Oven Process with Convection and Heat Exchange - Chemical Engineering

First Runner Up: WatFly Urban Air Mobility Solution - Mechanical Engineering

Second Runner Up: Process Design of Synthetic Fuel from Landfill Gas - Chemical Engineering


First Prize: Hybrid Rocket Engine - Mechanical Engineering - 
The project objective was to design, built, and test a hybrid rocket engine that will provide thrust for a rocket with a target apogee of 30,000 ft.

The winner's presentation can be read in full here: Hybrid Rocket Engine Analysis Presentation (pdf). 

First Runner Up: Optimal Surgical Operating Hours - Management Engineering - This project analyzed historical usage data to improve the manual process of scheduling the surgical operating hours for the 39 Operating Rooms at a hospital.

Second Runner Up: Portable Photocatalytic Water Treatment - Chemical Engineering


First Prize: GYB (Got your Back) - Mechanical Engineering - This project minimized mirror drag and eliminated side mirror blind spots by using a camera system.  The final design was produced by an automated optimization of solid models.

First Runner Up: Motorcycle Safety - Mechanical Engineering - This project produced a design for an aerodynamic braking solution for motorcycles.  Computational analysis and virtual prototyping was used extensively to evaluate the performance of design concepts.

Second Runner Up: Total Recall - Systems Design Engineering - This project designed an automated system for consumer protection agencies to perform early detection of recall-worthy products.  The analysis performed involved training a model to classify consumer reviews as "recalled" or "not recalled".