Rennick, C. ., Nasato, S. ., White, S. ., & Robinson, M. . (2024). An Investigation into Student Participation in Extra-Curricular Activities. CEEA-ACEG Annual Conference. Presented at the. Edmonton.
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Rennick, C. ., Nasato, S. ., White, S. ., & Robinson, M. . (2024). An Investigation into Gender Diverse Populations in Hackathon Environments. ASEE St.Lawrence Section Annual Conference. Presented at the. Toronto: ASEE.
Ibrahim, N. ., Rayside, D. ., Rennick, C. ., Scherr, K. ., Krauss, G. ., Bedi, S. ., & Ponnambalam, K. . (2024). The Engineer-In-Residence as a Stakeholder for Sustainability Education. CEEA-ACEG Annual Conference. Presented at the. Edmonton.
Rennick, C. ., Ibrahim, N. ., & Krauss, G. . (2024). A Multi-institution Design Project on Sustainable Cities: The Sustainability and Social Entrepreneurship Fellowship. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. Presented at the. Portland. Retrieved from
Nickel, J. ., Litster, G. ., Rennick, C. ., Hurst, A. ., & Hulls, C. . (2024). Student Perceptions and Attitudes Towards Engineering Design in Work-Integrated Learning Contexts. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. Presented at the. Portland. Retrieved from
Gryguc, A. . (2024). Bridging Theory and Practice: Enhancing Engineering Education through a Hybrid Case Study Based Approach with Ansys Discovery. Ann Arbor.
Krauss, G. ., Rennick, C. ., Ibrahim, N. ., & Bedi, S. . (2024). The Sustainability and Social Entrepreneurship Fellowship: Transdisciplinary and Multicultural Problem Based Engineering Education. Design 2024. Presented at the. Dubrovnik.
Rennick, C. ., & Ifeanyi, S. . (2024). A Mechanical Hackathon Co-developed with Industry. CEEA-ACEG Annual Conference. Presented at the. Edmonton.
Krauss, G. ., Rennick, C. ., Tounesi, T. ., & Hamilton, C. . (2024). Entrepreneurial Design in Action: Global Student Teams Address Housing Challenges by Shaping the Future of Sustainable Cities. San Diego: VentureWell.
Rennick, C. ., Hulls, C. ., Litster, G. ., Nickel, J. ., & Hurst, A. . (2023). Teaching Problem-Solving: Conscious Construction of our Classroom Environments. University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference. Presented at the. (Original work published 2023)