Al-Hammoud, R. ., Barichello, M. ., Rennick, C. ., Jobidon, E. ., & Li, R. . (2020). Two Student Workshops on Identifying and Resolving Teamwork Conflict. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. Presented at the.—35406
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Rennick, C. ., Litster, G. ., Hurst, A. ., Hulls, C. ., & Bedi, S. . (2020). Characterizing and comparing design activities for undergraduate students: A reflective tool for design instructors. Waterloo.
Flus, M. ., Rennick, C. ., & Hurst, A. . (2020). Work in Progress: Improving Engineering Students’ Need-finding Abilities. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. Presented at the.—35649
MacVicar, B. ., Clow, A. ., Muirhead, C. ., Al-Hammoud, R. ., & Craig, J. . (2020). Design, Construction, and Destruction in the Classroom: Experiential Learning with Earthen Dams. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 146. (Original work published 2020)
Coggan, J. ., & Rennick, C. . (2020). Development and implementation of an integrative and experiential design project: Design, build and test a scanning tunneling microscope. Waterloo.
Al-Hammoud, R. ., & Gibson, C. . (2019). Mechanics Knowledge Enhanced with Videos Illustrating Concepts Experienced with Hands-on Activities. ASEE Anunal Conference and Exposition. Presented at the. Tampa, Florida: ASEE. Retrieved from
Howcroft, J. ., Ivkovic, I. ., Borland, M. J., & Gorbet, M. . (2019). DESIGN DAYS BOOT CAMP 2.0: IMPROVEMENTS AND CONNECTIONS TO CEAB GRADUATE ATTRIBUTES. Ottawa.
Al-Hammoud, R. . (2019). Multi-modal teaching & learning - An engineering experience. UW Teaching and Learning Conference. Presented at the. Waterloo.
Rennick, C. ., & Li, E. . (2019). EngCon: A Pre-Capstone Engineering Design Convention. CEEA-ACEG Annual Conference. Presented at the. Ottawa: CEEA-ACEG.
Rennick, C. ., Hulls, C. ., Hurst, A. ., & Bedi, S. . (2019). A New Model for Formative Design Process Instruction - Engineering Design Days (poster). Clive L. Dym Mudd Design Workshop XI. Presented at the. Claremont, California.