Hurst, A. ., Barichello, M. ., Jobidonc, E. ., & Al-Hammoud, R. . (2018). A Team Health Self-Assessment Tool and Workshop for Engineering Student Teams. Proceedings of the Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA). Presented at the. (Original work published 2025)
Reference author: Ada Hurst
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Hurst, A. ., Mostafapour, M. ., Al-Hammoud, R. ., Prier, A. ., Jobidon, E. ., Hulls, C. ., Rennick, C. ., Grove, J. ., Li, E. ., & Bedi, S. . (2017). Practicing What we Preach: A Multi-Disciplinary Team Teaching Multi-Disciplinary Teamwork. 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings. Presented at the. Columbus, Ohio: ASEE Conferences. (Original work published 2025)
Al-Hammoud, R. ., Hurst, A. ., Prier, A. ., Mostafapour, M. ., Rennick, C. ., Hulls, C. ., Jobidon, E. ., Li, E. ., Grove, J. ., & Bedi, S. . (2017). TEAMWORK FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS: IMPROVING SKILLS THROUGH EXPERIENTIAL TEACHING MODULES. Proceedings of the Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA). Presented at the.
Jobidon, E. ., Al-Hammoud, R. ., Grove, J. ., Hulls, C. ., Hurst, A. ., Mohamed, S. ., Prier, A. ., Rennick, C. ., & Wright, D. . (2016). The Development of Integrated and Experiential Teamwork Activities (poster). Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Annual Conference. Presented at the. London: STLHE.
Hurst, A. ., Jobidon, E. ., Prier, A. ., Khaniyev, T. ., Rennick, C. ., Al-Hammoud, R. ., Hulls, C. ., Grove, J. ., Mohamed, S. ., Johnson, S. ., & Bedi, S. . (2016). Towards a Multidisciplinary Teamwork Training Series for Undergraduate Engineering Students: Development and Assessment of Two First-year Workshops. 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings. Presented at the. New Orleans, Louisiana: ASEE Conferences. (Original work published 2025)
Bedi, S. ., Trivett, A. ., Hulls, C. C., Karim, K. ., Bishop, W. ., Grove, J. ., Rennick, C. ., Rathlin, J. ., Baleshta, J. ., Hurst, A. ., Robinson, M. ., Mohamed, S. ., & Bristow, M. . (2015). Defining the Ideas Clinic for Canadian Engineering Educators (Workshop). McMaster University, Hamilton.
Bishop, W. ., Trivett, A. ., Grove, J. ., Hurst, A. ., Mantin, B. ., Baleshta, J. ., Mohamed, S. ., Hulls, C. C., Rennick, C. ., Bristow, M. ., Robinson, M. ., Bedi, S. ., & Rathlin, J. . (2015). Experiential Learning Activities: The Engineering Ideas Clinic Experience (Panel). Waterloo.
Grove, J. ., Bedi, S. ., Hurst, A. ., Robinson, M. ., & Rennick, C. . (2015). Promoting Students Engagement through Engineering Ideas Clinic Activities. Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo.
Hurst, A. ., Litster, G. ., & Rennick, C. . (2020). Operationalizing Jonassen’s Design Theory of Problem Solving: An Instrument to Characterize Educational Design Activities. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. Presented at the.—35011
Flus, M. ., Rennick, C. ., & Hurst, A. . (2020). Work in Progress: Improving Engineering Students’ Need-finding Abilities. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. Presented at the.—35649
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