Awards database: search results

Our Awards Database helps current and future Waterloo graduate students to identify funding opportunities. Details on awards, bursaries and other scholarships administered through Waterloo are found within. Students are advised to check the database often as changes to award information including eligibility criteria, award value, application process, deadlines and the availability of funds can occur at any time.

It is strongly recommended that you use quotations around key words of two or more in order to generate accurate results, e.g. use “day care bursary” instead of day care bursary.

Displaying 26 - 50 of 84

Three awards are awarded annually based on the students’ participation in a recognized institutional Canadian-organized German language or cultural studies program abroad.

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The interest from this fund will be used to support graduate scholarships.  The departments will select finalists by August 31, and the scholarships will normally be awarded at the beginning of...

An award, valued at $1,500, is available annually for an Indigenous undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in any year or Faculty at the University of Waterloo. To be considered, students must...

The Governor General's Academic Medals are awarded at four distinct levels: Bronze at the secondary school level; Collegiate Bronze at the post-secondary, diploma level; Silver at the...

Several GRADflix awards will be awarded annually to graduate students who presented their research in the...

A GRADtalks Research Dissemination Award, valued at $500, will be provided to graduate students registered at the University of Waterloo who are selected to present their research at a GRADtalks...

A Graduate Research Studentship (GRS) directly supports students in research-based graduate programs. The academic supervisor(s) provide advice to the student and guide their progress towards the...

The Graduate Student Contingency Bursary (previously known as the Millennium Graduate Bursary) is available to international students registered full time in a graduate program at the...

Limited funding is available for eligible research-based master’s and doctoral students who must go inactive for medical reasons (e.g., physical or mental health). Students will automatically be...

Limited funding for up to eight months (two terms) is available to eligible students who take a parental leave (includes adoption). The goal of this bursary is intended to maintain a student’s...

Through a commitment of financial support from the Graduate Studies Endowment Fund (GSEF) and Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs (GSPA), awards are available to...

Environmental sustainability and a changing climate are pressing issues for our generation. Recently, the University of Waterloo has developed an...

Every term, the Graduate Studies Endowment Fund (GSEF) solicits proposals for graduate student projects which are primarily targeting the enhancement of the learning, research, and overall...

Effective May 1, 2019 (spring 2019 admissions cycle), the International Master’s Award of Excellence, valued at $2,500 per term for a maximum of five full-time terms within the allowable program...

The awards are given to University of Waterloo graduate students working on quantum information at the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC), based on exceptional achievement in research....

This award was created to celebrate David Johnston’s pivotal contributions to Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) at University of Waterloo, his passion for leadership and his enthusiasm for...

These awards are supported by a variety of sources including the Bell Family Fund and Industry Canada. The awards are made to graduate students entering studies in quantum information at the...

Two awards, valued at $5,000 each, will be provided annually to undergraduate or graduate students participating in Concept or Velocity programing at the University of Waterloo. Preference will be...

This scholarship will be awarded annually to a full-time University of Waterloo graduate student who holds an Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) or a Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship in...

An Award of at least $1000 will be awarded annually to a full-time or part-time graduate student who has completed their degree requirements from a fully online graduate degree program. Selection...

One scholarship valued at $5,000 will be awarded annually to a full-time graduate student whose research is in the fields of fluvial geomorphology, river and stream processes, or...

A scholarship valued at $10,000, will be awarded annually to an international graduate student registered full time in any year of the master's or doctoral program of the Data Systems Group in the...

The scholarship, valued at $5,000 will be awarded annually to a full-time University of Waterloo graduate student registered in any unit of the Faculty of Mathematics. The scholarship will be...

Up to two scholarships valued at $5,000 each are awarded annually to full-time graduate students enrolled in Year One of the Master's (thesis option) or Doctoral program in the David R. Cheriton...

The Mackenzie King Scholarships were established as an independent trust under the will of the late Rt. Hon. William Mackenzie King (1874-1950).

Two classes of Mackenzie King Scholarship...
