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Faculty of Arts

Andy Myles - Experimental Digital Media

Andy Myles banner image

“I hadn’t thought about ‘thinking through making’, but it clicked with how I wanted to approach writing and research: I didn’t want to be limited to only reading and writing, I wanted to also explore other forms of art and media.”

Ashley Ryan - Sociology

Ashley Ryan

Why do some people choose to dine and dash? What influences their decision to do so? Sociology PhD Candidate Ashley Ryan’s research dives into what motivates a person to peer pressure others.

Read more about her #GRADimpact

Dominique Louër - French Studies and Psychology

Dominique Louer

"Both of my degrees offered me a different perspective on bilingualism and language research in general.” Dominique Louër, a recent graduate of the French master’s program and the Psychology master’s program used her research to look at the sound systems and general cognitive abilities of bilinguals.

Steve Spencer - 2008/2009

Steve Spencer - Psychology

“Steve attracts absolutely stellar, well-rounded, brilliant students.”One student did a SSHRC postdoc at Stanford, was hired as an Assistant Professor at UCLA and is now at UBC as a tenured professor. Four of his other students are either postdocs or faculty.

Randy Harris - 2018/2019

Randy Harris – English Language and Literature
