IT information for instructors - Fall 2024

Friday, August 30, 2024
by Natasha Jennings

About this communication

A term-based communication highlighting IT-related information that may be relevant to you as you prepare for the upcoming teaching term. The communication may identify IT-related news, changes, availability of tools and services, etc. that may impact, support, and/or enhance teaching and learning activities at Waterloo. 

Training opportunities

LinkedIn Learning

Did you know? LinkedIn Learning is available to all University employees and students. Learn more about the service and how you can integrate content into your teaching and learning initiatives. 

Projects and initiatives

Polling tool pilot: Comparing Vevox and iClicker

As announced on May 3rd, the University obtained a one-year centrally funded site licence to pilot the polling tool Vevox, for both academic and non-academic purposes. iClicker is still currently supported since no single polling tool previously met all the requirements of our community of users. Both tools have recently added new features that need to be evaluated before assessing the results of the Vevox pilot.  

The University has recently been provided with a short-term opportunity to thoroughly pilot iClicker and its new features, free of charge. Before this, iClicker has been available to Waterloo students via a paid subscription.  

Instructional Technologies & Media Services (ITMS) is partnering with the Teaching Innovation Incubator (TII) to lead a pilot comparing these two polling tools to determine whether one of these tools would meet the needs of our users, or whether both will continue to be required for specific situations.  

About the pilot 

ITMS and the TII are looking for instructors, students, and staff with experience, or who are willing to use polling tools Vevox and/or iClicker to participate in a pilot during the Fall 2024 and/or Winter 2025 terms. Note: interested students can apply to join the pilot so long as they have experience using either polling tool; there is no requisite that students must join the pilot with their instructor.  

During this pilot 

  • Vevox will continue to be available for use as the campus’ centrally funded tool. 
  • iClicker will be made available at no cost for the duration of the limited time pilot. Participants need to be aware that there is no expectation that iClicker will continue to be provided at no cost at the completion of the pilot. 
  • Participants will be expected to use one or both tools over the course of the Fall 2024 and/or Winter 2025 terms.  
  • Participants will be expected to provide feedback on one or both tools as per the requirements document that will be developed for a suitable polling tool (approximately 1-to-2-hour time commitment). 

While all University of Waterloo students, faculty and staff can use either polling tool during this period, as participants in the pilot, your feedback will inform the decision on how the University will move forward.  Any future direction is dependent on budget approvals and must align with Policy 17: Quotations and Tenders which may result in a Request for Proposal to ensure a transparent competitive bidding process. 

Additional details to be shared soon 

Additional information on accessing the free option for iClicker, as well as the impact for students who have already purchased an iClicker subscription for the Fall term, will be shared soon. Support information for both iClicker and Vevox can be found on the EdTech hub under Centrally Supported Tools

Questions about this pilot can be directed to Kyle Scholz

Register now to participate 

Interested participants should complete the expression of interest form by August 19, 2024, by 1:00 p.m. EDT to register for this pilot.  

H5P Studio available for use

H5P is an online platform that allows you to build custom digital interactives to promote active learning, encourage student self-assessment, create reflection prompts and more. Waterloo staff and instructors can create and embed H5P interactives for free using the eCampus Ontario H5P Studio. The licensed version of H5P ( includes learning tools interoperability (LTI) integration and is currently being investigated via the EdTech tool request process

For a full list and example of the types of interactives you can create with H5P, visit Examples and Downloads on

Features and functionality

  • H5P interactives can be embedded into most digital content, including on LEARN pages.
  • Staff and faculty can also use the studio to browse it’s catalogue for existing, Creative Commons licensed interactives that can be reused for any course or training: Catalog of CC H5P content

Learn more about H5P

Visit the EdTech Hub to learn more about this tool, get support, and find out how your peers are using the online platform. 

Vevox integration with LEARN enabled for fall term

We're excited to announce that Vevox, one of the supported polling tools currently being piloted, will have an integration with LEARN enabled for the Fall 2024 term. This integration will allow Vevox to push grades to LEARN for correct answers and/or for participation.  

We are planning to enable this integration as of August 19, 2024, after final exams are finished, to avoid any issues during the exam period. Instructors can still create polls in Vevox now and will be able to create links to them easily from LEARN after the integration is enabled. Note that the Vexox integration with LEARN requires student identification to push grades; if "anonymous" is selected, options to send grades to LEARN are removed. The ability to export grades from Vevox in CSV format is also available. 

You will still be able to log in to Vevox via SSO (Single Sign-On) using your Waterloo username and password without using LEARN. If you link to an activity in Vevox from LEARN, participants MUST use the link via LEARN, the Session ID via the SSO will not work.  

Custom documentation is being written and will be available in the coming weeks.  

If you have questions, please contact LEARN Help via  email (  

Teaching and learning tools and resources

New faculty orientation

Our New faculty orientation page provides valuable information regarding IT services and support to help you prepare for start of term. Information and support resources are available, including:

  • the Educational Technology (EdTech) tools available to deliver and facilitate teaching and learning
  • General IT help and support options
  • Collaboration tools, event, and Waterloo studio support
  • wireless network (Eduroam)
  • exam scheduling and marking tools

Training course available via LEARN

This information, as well as other key resources like the new faculty orientation site on LEARN, is available via the Faculty Association website

Responsible use and development of AI tools

Guidance on AI use

IST supports the innovative use of technologies to solve problems and optimize processes which support the mission and business operations of the University of Waterloo. Modern technologies which fall under the umbrella of Artificial Intelligence (AI) are becoming more accessible to a wider audience and due to the nature in which they work, require extra caution to be used responsibly.

While the University works on developing its policy on Artificial Intelligence, IST urges proceeding with caution and due diligence while using University data to train, prompt, or interact with AI systems that are not yet licensed or vetted.

All existing University policies still apply to the usage of AI, in the same way they do to all information systems. Ensure an understanding of the following, policies, for example:

Available tools

While the University does not currently provide licenses for any enterprise Generative AI tools, Microsoft Copilot is available for use through your UWaterloo account. Use your University username and password to log in to Microsoft Copilot, which can be used for experimentation and to boost productivity. Accessing this service with your UWaterloo account will automatically provide you with personal and company data protection.

Non-UWaterloo accounts should never be used in conjunction with University data.

Learn more

View the full Guideline on Artificial Intelligence use to learn more about the responsible use and development of AI tools. 

Self-service options for start of term

Electronic classrooms (E-classrooms) | Fobs, testing, room views

Podium fobs

Podium fobs will not be required for the Fall 2024 term.

Testing technology in centrally supported classrooms complete for Fall term

Complete system tests in all of the centrally supported classrooms has been completed. The week before classes start, there will be a second set of tests done on randomly selected classrooms, for as many rooms as possible.

Please note, many of the rooms are in use between the time that ITMS performs any system tests and the start of term; ITMS can only ensure that the systems are completely functional as of the time they are tested.

E-classroom information and training resources, including a 360° view of rooms

Did you know? We have an online e-classroom information page that includes information about the e-classroom spaces available, training resources, podium instructions, and a 360° view of the rooms? Have a look today!

Additional classroom technology resources

EdTech Hub

Educational technologies, or EdTech, are digital technology tools used to deliver and facilitate learning, learning activities, and aid in creating or disseminating content.

Visit the EdTech Hub for information about centrally supported educational technology tools (list tool by Category or A-Z), projects and more. 

Information and support for IT services

Other teaching and learning services available to you including media production and classroom technology.

Includes Media Resources, assessment tools, and learning management system.

A member of IST will review and respond to your support request or inquiry.