All no-signalling theories are local-realistic

Monday, March 26, 2018 4:00 pm - 4:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Gilles Brassard, Université de Montréal

It is generally believed that experimental violations of Bell's inequalities (especially the recent so-called loophole-free experiments) provide evidence that quantum theory cannot be both local and realistic. We demonstrate to the contrary that all reversible-dynamics no-signalling operational theories (including unitary quantum theory) can be given a local-realistic interpretation. We also demonstrate that the standard Everettian view, according to which the universal wavefunction is a complete representation of the universe, must be abandoned if locality is postulated as a metaphysical principle.

Based on arXiv:1710.01380 [quant-ph]. Joint work with Paul Raymond-Robichaud.

Coffee and snacks will be served at 3:30 in QNC 1201