Graduate student seminar series
Open for all IQC graduate students and postdocs. The goal is to connect IQC members working on different research topics, as well as to provide a semi-casual platform for students to sharpen their research skills. As usual, pizza will be provided during the seminar.
Please contact Amit Anand or Zachary Mann if you're interested in presenting.
IQC-PI joint student seminar series
As part of our Graduate student seminar series, we’ll be partnering with Perimeter Institute (PI) every third week of the month, with seminars hosted alternately at IQC and PI. Secure your spot for joint sessions on a first-come, first-served basis. Please ensure seminar details are submitted by the Wednesday the week before the seminar.
Joint seminars will be every month, alternating at PI or IQC, with the seminar format being flexible (IQC has one speaker for 45-50 min slots and PI usually has two 30minute talks for their slots, but that can change depending who signs up)
N.B. Open to IQC and PI graduate students and post-doctoral fellows only.
PI Dates:
- Monday October 21, 2-3 p.m. , PI - Space Room
- Monday December 16, 2-3 p.m , PI - Space Room
- Monday April 21, 2-3 p.m , PI - Space Room
- Monday June 16, 2-3 p.m , PI - Space Room
IQC Dates:
- Wednesday November 20, 12-1 p.m , QNC - 1201
- Wednesday January 15, 12-1 p.m , QNC - 1201
- Wednesday March 19, 12-1 p.m , QNC - 1201
- Wednesday May 21, 12-1 p.m , QNC - 1201
Waterloo Relativity and Quantum Information (RQI) seminar series
Open to all those interested in learning more about the physics at the intersection of Relativity and Quantum Information, the RQI Seminar Series is a student-led initiative providing members of the Waterloo RQI community with the opportunity to share research findings, discuss relevant works, network with colleagues, and provide a platform to practice public speaking in an accessible environment.
The monthly seminars primarily feature talks by local graduate students, though visiting students and postdocs have also been invited in the past. Arrive early to chat over coffee and snacks thanks to funding from the Applied Mathematics Department.
Please contact Everett Patterson, Maria Rosa Preciado-Rivas or Boris Ragula to be added to the Waterloo RQI mailing list or to learn more.