International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) Summer School 2022

The International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) Summer School is a satellite meeting to the ICAP 2022 Conference that was held in Toronto, July 17 – 22, 2022. ICAP summer school took place from July 4 -15, 2022 virtually.

ICAP 2022 logo

The topics covered include:

  • Atomic quantum gases
  • Cold molecules and quantum chemistry
  • AMO Physics and topology
  • Quantum sensing and metrology
  • Quantum computing and quantum simulation
  • Quantum nanophotonics
  • Strongly correlated quantum systems: Theoretical approaches


Kyung Soo Choi, Department of Physics and Astronomy (Co-Chair)

Crystal Senko, Department of Physics and Astronomy (Co-Chair)

Michal Bajcsy, Department of Electrical Engineering

Rajibul Islam,  Department of Physics and Astronomy

Alan Jamison, Department of Physics and Astronomy

Christine Muschik, Department of Physics and Astronomy


  • Wolfgang Ketterle - John D. MacArthur Professor of Physics Director, MIT-Harvard Center for Ultracold Atoms - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Michael Kohl - Alexander-von-Humboldt Professor, University of Bonn
  • Mikhail Lukin - George Vasmer Leverett Professor of Physics, Harvard University
  • Baptiste Royer - Faculty, Institut quantique, Université de Sherbrooke
  • Giulia Semeghini - MPHQ Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University
  • Masahito Ueda - Professor, The University of Tokyo
  • Tanya Zelevinsky - Associate Professor, Columbia University


Week 1

Date July 4 July 5 July 6 July 7 July 8
11:00 AM EDT N/A Michael Köhl Michael Köhl N/A Mikhail Lukin
1:00 PM EDT N/A Industry Panel Industry Panel N/A Giulia Semeghini
Moderator  N/A Kyung Soo Choi Kazi Rajibul Islam N/A Crystal Senko

Week 2

Date July 11 July 12 July 13 July14 July 15
11:00 AM EDT  10:00 AM EDT Masahito Ueda 10:00 AM EDT  Masahito Ueda Wolfgang Ketterle N/A Wolfgang Ketterle
1:00 PM EDT Baptiste Royer Baptiste Royer Tanya Zelevinsky N/A Tanya Zelevinsky
Moderator Kyung Soo Choi Michal Bajcsy Alan Jamison N/A Alan Jamison


Michael Kohl, University of Bonn

In these lectures we are going to review the physics of ultracold fermionic atoms in optical lattices. We start from the basic principles of non-interacting Fermions in a band structure. Subsequently, we will move on to interacting systems and discuss the Mott insulator and anti-ferromagnetic order. The discussion of preparation and detection techniques of complex quantum states and current experiments completes the lectures.

Mikhail Lukin and Giulia Semeghini, Harvard University

Programmable quantum simulations and quantum information processing based on Rydberg atom arrays

We will discuss the recent advances involving programmable, coherent manipulation of quantum many-body systems using neutral atom arrays excited into Rydberg states, allowing the control over 200 qubits in two dimensions. These systems can be used for realization and probing of exotic quantum phases of matter and exploration of their non-equilibrium dynamics. Recent advances involving the realization and probing of quantum spin liquid states - the exotic topological states of matter have thus far evaded direct experimental detection and the observation of quantum speedup for solving optimization problems will be described. In addition, the realization of novel quantum processing architecture based on dynamically reconfigurable entanglement and the steps towards quantum error correction will be discussed. Finally, we will discuss prospects for using these techniques for realization of large-scale quantum simulators and processors.

Masahito Ueda, The University of Tokyo

Non-Hermitian Physics

Beyond-hermitian physics has recently attracted a great deal of attention due to remarkable advances in experimental techniques and theoretical methods in AMO, condensed matter and nonequilibrium statistical physics. Complete knowledge about quantum jumps allows a description of quantum dynamics at the single-trajectory level. A subclass thereof without quantum jumps can be described by a non-hermitian Hamiltonian. Here, symmetry, topology and many-body effects are fundamentally altered. Importantly, transposition and complex conjugation, which are equivalent in hermitian physics, become inequivalent, leading to proliferation of new topological phases and symmetry classes. In random matrix theory, transposition symmetry leads to two new universality classes of level-spacing statistics other than the Ginibre ensemble. In many-body physics, non-hermiticity leads to the dynamical sign reversal of magnetism in dissipative Hubbard models, violation of the g-theorem in the Kondo problem, and quantum phase transitions without gap closing. In the lecture, I will provide an overview on the fundamentals and new frontiers about beyond-Hermitian quantum physics.

Ref.  Y. Ashida, Z. Gong, and M. Ueda, Adv. Phys. 69, 249 (2021)

Baptiste Boyer, Université de Sherbrooke

Encoding quantum information in states of light: bosonic codes in circuit QED

The main approach to quantum computing is to encode logical information in ensembles of physical two-level systems such as superconducting qubits or trapped ions. Another promising strategy is rather to encode the information in a harmonic oscillator using a bosonic code. Because of the simplicity of these physical systems, harmonic oscillators are often longer-lived than physical qubits, and have simpler error models. Moreover, their large Hilbert space (formally infinite) allows to redundantly encode the information using a small amount of hardware.In these lectures, I will introduce these bosonic codes and some related topics. I will discuss the main codes that are studied today, how to prepare the code words, how to perform logical operations and how to visualize them.

Masahito Ueda, The University of Tokyo

Quantum Thermalization

Ultracold atomic physics has offered a fresh view about why isolated quantum systems thermalize without thermal reservoirs. This question dates back to von Neumann’s original attempt to derive the second law of thermodynamics from quantum mechanics. Quantum thermalization also has a close link with quantum information because thermalization proceeds in Hilbert space rather than phase space via quantum entanglement. Moreover, recent advances in quantum gas microscopy has enabled one to observe single-shot measurement of a quantum many-body wavefunction at the level of single atoms. In this regime, measurement backaction cannot be ignored and we are led to reconsider the foundation of statistical mechanics to incorporate measurement backaction and ponder whether thermalization occurs at the level of single quantum trajectories. This question is relevant to quantum computation. In the lecture, I will give a brief introduction of quantum thermalization and review some of the recent experiments in ultracold atoms.

Wolfgang Ketterle, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Wednesday, July 13

Superfluidity, Bogoliubov excitations and the superfluid-to-Mott-insulator transition in optical lattices

In this lecture, we start out with the weakly interacting Bose gas and its excitation spectrum.  We discuss the limiting cases of bosons in weak and strong lattices, and then describe the quantum phase transition between those two limits.

Friday, July 15

Spin physics of ultracold atoms in optical lattices

Starting from the Bose-Hubbard model, we derive spin Hamiltonians where spin-spin interactions arise due to superexchange.  Heisenberg spin models, where only neighboring spins interact, are the paradigmatic model for many interesting phenomena.  Using lithium-7 atoms and Feshbach resonances to tune the interactions, one can create spin ½ Heisenberg models with adjustable anisotropy, including the special XX-model which can be exactly solved by mapping it to non-interacting fermions.  Spin transport changes from ballistic to diffusive depending on the anisotropy.  For transverse spin patterns, a superexchange induced effective magnetic field causes dephasing.  Spin helices can be  exact eigenstates for special values of their winding angle and are called phantom helix states since they contribute momentum, but no energy.

Tanya Zelevinsky, Columbia University

Cold molecules for fundamental physics and chemistry

Techniques for controlling quantum states of atoms have led to extremely precise metrology, studies of degenerate gases, and new quantum information technologies. Extending such techniques to molecules further enriches the understanding of fundamental physics, basic chemical processes, and many-body science. Samples of ultracold molecules can be created by binding laser-cooled atoms, or by direct cooling. We cover very basic properties of molecules and discuss applications of cold molecules in fundamental physics and chemistry.

Tuesday Industry Panel

Philippe Bouyer, MuQuans

Jim Shaffer, QVIL

Will Lunden, Vector Atomic

Georg Raithel and David Anderson, Rydberg Technologies

Moderator: John Donohue, Institute for Quantum Computing

Wednesday Industry Panel

Tom Noel, ColdQuanta

Justin Ging and Krish Kotru, Atom Computing

Tony Ransford, Quantinuum

Harry Levine, Amazon AWS Quantum

Moderator: John Donohue, Institute for Quantum Computing


Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics

Perimeter Institute Logo

Transformative Quantum Technologies

Transformative Quantum Technologies (TQT) logo

Quantum Nanophotonic Initiative Program

Quantum Nanophotonic Initiative Program

MIT-Harvard Center for Ultracold Atoms

MIT-Harvard Center for Ultracold Atoms

Institute for Quantum Computing

Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) at the University of Waterloo