Tracial embedded strategy: lifting MIP* tricks to MIPco
Quantum non-local games have been an important object of study for the operator algebra and computer science community due to the recent ground-breaking result MIP*=RE. Although the majority of the study has been focused on the tensor product model in the non-local games literature recently, the commuting operator model is another model that is also considered in the non-local literature, and the difference between these two models forms the basis for disproving the famous Connes embeddings conjecture. In this talk, I will introduce a new set of strategies for the commuting operator model, the tracial embedded strategy, and sketch the proof that every strategy in the commuting operator model can be approximated by this set of strategies. Using this new characterization, I will present some similarities between the tensor product model and the commuting operator model in the complexity theory realm. This talk is based on the paper "Almost synchronous correlation in the commuting operator model".
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