Optimal Theory Control Techniques for Nitrogen Vacancy Ensembles
Nitrogen Vacancy (NV) Centers in diamond are a very versatile tool. A single Nitrogen Vacancy center is most notably known for sensing magnetic fields, but recently has presented itself as a functional node for a quantum internet, to name just two of its wide ranges of applications.
There is value in using an ensemble of Nitrogen Vacancy centers in a single crystal diamond for measuring vector quantities. Use of all orientations in the ensemble, naturally aligned perfectly in the crystal, enhances the signal to noise ratio compared to using only one orientation within the ensemble. Selective control of each orientation allows for vector quantities to be explored in parallel. Optimal Control Theory (OCT) using helical microwaves may be used to control the unique projection of each NVs Principle Axis System (P.A.S.) allowing for collective or selective operators on the ensemble.
Here I will present the theory and implementation for designing OCT pulses for NV ensembles in single crystal diamond.
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