Matteo Mariantoni: The Photon Shell Game and the Quantum von Speaker Title Neumann Architecture with Superconducting Circuits

Tuesday, January 24, 2012 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

Matteo Mariantoni, University of California, Santa Barbara


Superconducting quantum circuits have made significant advances over the past decade, allowing more complex and integrated circuits that perform with good fidelity. We have recently implemented a machine comprising seven quantum channels, with three superconducting resonators, two phase qubits, and two zeroing registers.

After introducing the main concepts on superconducting quantum circuits, I will explain the design and operation of our quantum machine, first showing how a single microwave photon |1> can be prepared in one resonator and coherently transferred between the three resonators. I will also show how more exotic states such as double photon states |2> and superposition states |0>+|1> can be shuffled among the resonators as well [+].

I will then demonstrate how this machine can be used as the quantum-mechanical analog of the von Neumann computer architecture, which for a classical computer comprises a central processing unit and a memory holding both instructions and data. The quantum version comprises a quantum central processing unit (quCPU) that exchanges data with a quantum random-access memory (quRAM) integrated on one chip, with instructions stored on a classical computer. I will also present a proof-of-concept demonstration of a code that involves all seven quantum elements: (1), Preparing an entangled state in the quCPU, (2), writing it to the quRAM, (3), preparing a second state in the quCPU, (4), zeroing it, and, (5), reading out the first state stored in the quRAM [*].

Finally, I will demonstrate that the quantum von Neumann machine provides one unit cell of a two- dimensional qubit-resonator array that can be used for surface code quantum computing. This will allow the realization of a scalable, fault-tolerant quantum processor with the most forgiving error rates to date.

Refreshments at 15:30 seminar begins at 16:00