Steven Olmschenk: Quantum Information with Atoms and Light

Thursday, January 26, 2012 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

Steven Olmschenk, University of Maryland


Rapid progress in coherent control of single trapped atomic ions and ensembles of ultracold atoms in optical lattices has enabled more precise atomic physics measurements, a probe of fundamental quantum physics, and progress towards quantum information processing, including the quantum simulation of models from condensed matter. Here I present recent results on approaches towards these ends with both trapped ions and ultracold atoms in optical lattices. Using ytterbium ions coupled to single photons, we demonstrate a quantum teleportation protocol between two distant matter qubits with a measured fidelity of 90(2)%. With atoms in an optical lattice, we perform randomized benchmarking of single qubit operations, measuring an average error per gate of 1.4(1) x 10^-4. A method to extend the coherence time by cancellation of up to 95(2)% of the differential light shift in the ground state of rubidium is also implemented. Finally, I discuss recent progress towards observing new many-body effects, as well as how all of these operations might be extended for more advanced applications.