Quantum Algorithms for Composed Functions With Shared Inputs
Justin Thaler, Georgetown University
The quantum query complexity of a function f measures how many bits of the input a quantum computer must look at in order to compute f.
The quantum query complexity of a function f measures how many bits of the input a quantum computer must look at in order to compute f.
Observations reveal the cosmos to be astonishingly simple, and yet deeply puzzling, on the largest accessible scales. Why is it so nearly symmetrical? Why is there a cosmological constant (or dark energy) and what fixes its value? How did everything we see emerge from a singular “point” in the past?
Wavelength selective thermal emitters are highly desired for the development of the compact/energy-efficient spectroscopic sensing systems capable of detecting various gases such as COx, CH4, and NOx, which are strongly needed in environmental science, medical care, and other industrial applications. In addition, for the latter applications, dynamic control of thermal emission intensity is important for such emitters because synchronous detection can increase the signal-to-noise ratio significantly.
Quantum random-access memories (qRAM) are required by numerous quantum algorithms. In many cases, qRAM queries are the limiting factor in the implementation of these algorithms. In the limit of a large number of queries, there will be a massive resource overhead, as in this regime it is not possible to bypass the need for active error correction. In this talk, I will present our work towards quantifying this overhead. We will explore a variety of different qRAM circuits designed to query classical bits in superposition.
A random walk on a graph, P, with marked vertex set M, finds a marked vertex using a O(HT(P,M)) steps of the walk, where HT(P,M) is the hitting time. Previous quantum algorithms could detect the presence of a marked vertex in O(sqrt{HT(P,M)}) steps, or find a marked vertex in O(sqrt{HT(P,M)}) steps if M contained at most one vertex, but the case of finding in the presence of multiple marked vertices was left as an open problem.
Rangefinding has many applications in navigation, civil engineer, construction, military, surveillance and security. Most commonly rangefinders estimate the distance to an object by measuring the time of flight of light for the journey to and returning from the target. Conventional techniques use lasers for illumination in state of the art rangefinding systems. However, the particular state of light lasers produce makes them easy to detect.
Master's Candidate: Maria Papageorgiou
Much of the structure of quantum field theory (QFT) is predicated on the principle of locality. Adherence to locality is pursuant to convictions deduced from relativity, and is achieved in QFT by the association of regions of spacetime with algebras of observables. Although, by construction, the observables of QFT are local objects, one may also consider characterizing the spatial or spacetime features of a state.
Speaker: Neil Henderson
Abstract: The patent system provides a monopoly in return for disclosure of new technology. The disclosures (patent applications) are published and classified by technology to provide an extensive global resource available on line. Want to know how many patent applications Apple has for quantum cryptography? Who else is working in your area ? Does anyone hold a dominant position or are the rights widely distributed?
In this talk, we will review the use of thin films of organic polyradicals – organic polymers with one unpaired electron per monomer [1] – for memory devices and other applications. Although memory devices based on radical polymers have been often proposed, their stability was frequently limited to a few writing cycles, despite the excellent quality of the active layer.
This talk reflects on recent research in progress with Andras Gilyen. Over the years, there have been a number of papers dealing with quantum algorithms testing some properties of classical probability distributions. Our goal is to understand what is the right way for quantum algorithms to access the distribution. There is a number of possible models, and we analyse their mutual strength.