Roman Lutchyn: The search for Majorana modes in solid-state systems
Roman Lutchyn, University of California, Berkeley
Roman Lutchyn, University of California, Berkeley
Dr. Nilanjana Datta, University of Cambridge
Shengyu Zhang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Communication complexity of XOR functions f(x \oplus y) has recently drawn an increasing amount of attention. In this talk, I will discuss some recent progress on this interesting class of functions, including settling communication complexity of all symmetric XOR functions in one-way and SMP model, proving Log-rank conjecture for low-degree polynomials f, and showing tightness of a quantum lower bound in the two-way model.
Gus Gutoski, IQC
Debbie Leung, Institute for Quantum Computing
We focus on two particular models of closed time like curves.
The first is Deutsch's 1991 mixed-state-fixed-point model which
abolishes the grandfather paradox. The second is due to Bennett and
Schumacher, in which the grandfather paradox on certain initial states
is exploited as a putative physical mechanism for post-selection.
Roee Ozeri
Cory Dean, The City College of New York
Volkher Scholz, Institute for Theoretical Physics ETH Zurich
Steven Flammia, Institute for Quantum Computing
Christopher Portman, Queen's University, Belfast