IQC director featured in Motivated Magazine

Monday, March 15, 2010

Innate curiosity is the driving force behind all great science, IQC director Raymond Laflamme writes in the new issue of Motivated Magazine" a publication that profiles exceptional leaders. "Curiosity is the force that drives everything I do," Laflamme writes in the 1,500-word article, "from getting my hands greasy under the hood of my 1979 VW van to manipulating the subatomic particles of the quantum world. And I love to inspire curiosity in others."

Laflamme recounts how curiosity led him from a typical childhood in Quebec to studying physics under the tutelage of Stephen Hawking at Cambridge (and proving Hawking wrong about the direction of time in a contracting universe). Laflamme is in good company within the pages of Motivated Magazine, given that charismatic leaders including Bill Clinton, Starbucks founder Howard Shultz and Apple Computer founder Steve Wozniak have been featured.

Motivated Magazine is now on shelves at Chapters, Indigo, Coles, Loblaws, Hudson News and other newsstands.

About IQC: Founded in 2002, the mission of the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) is to aggressively explore and advance the application of quantum mechanical systems to a vast array of relevant information processing techniques.

A part of the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ont., Canada, IQC creates a truly unique environment fostering cutting-edge research and collaboration between researchers in the areas of computer, engineering, mathematical and physical sciences.

At the time of this release, IQC has 17 faculty members, 22 postdoctoral fellows and over 55 students and research assistants, as well as a support staff of 18.

The Institute for Quantum Computing acknowledges the support of the Government of Canada through Industry Canada and the Government of Ontario through the Ministry of Research and Innovation.