The Member Physical Society Topical Group on Quantum Information, Concepts, and Computation offers annual awards for student papers in theoretical research and experimental research. The first awards were presented at the 2006 APS Meeting in Baltimore.
IQC is proud to sponsor the experimental research paper competition with a cash prize of $500. Congratulations to the 2006 winner, Christopher Langer, University of Colorado at Boulder. The judging panel was comprised of Charles Bennett (IBM Research), Jon Dowling (Louisiana State University), Hideo Mabuchi (Caltech), Terry Rudolph (Imperial College), Barry Sanders (University of Calgary), and Rob Spekkens (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics).
Chris is a Ph.D. candidate, currently working with Dr. David Wineland at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, on experimental quantum information processing with trapped ions. He will receive his Ph.D. in physics this summer. His doctoral thesis is entitled "High fidelity quantum information processing with ions."
Chris' research interests include:
- studying the decoherence mechanisms in ion trap systems,
- reducing the sources of error in ion trap quantum information processors to below fault tolerant levels, and
- building a fault-tolerant quantum information processing module with ions.