Michael Reimer joins the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) as Assistant Professor, bringing the total faculty complement at IQC to 22.

His research will focus on the development of quantum photonic devices and optical approaches needed to advance quantum information science and technologies, as well as to test fundamental questions in quantum photonics.
His group aims to:
- Realize a quantum repeater - a quantum device that extends the distance for transferring quantum information than what is currently possible
- Perform quantum optics and algorithms on a semiconductor chip
- Realize an efficient interface between stationary and flying quantum bits, an important milestone towards the Quantum Internet
- Develop a `plug and play’, tunable quantum light source – an essential component needed in advanced quantum information schemes.
These quantum devices require research and development of the necessary quantum technologies such as single electron and spin devices, semiconductor quantum light sources, quantum memories, integrated quantum photon circuits and highly efficient quantum detectors.
Born and raised in Waterloo, Reimer started his academic career at uWaterloo in 2000 where he earned his BSc in Honours Physics. “It’s not often you can return to your hometown where world-class research in quantum information is happening,” says Reimer.