William Slofstra returns to the University of Waterloo campus where he completed his BMath in the Departments of Pure Mathematics and Combinatorics & Optimization.

His research has focused on algebra, specifically in Lie theory/ representation theory, Schubert calculus and connected areas. In quantum information, Slofstra’s work has focused on non-local games; an active and important area of research in quantum computation. Non-local games give an example of a distributed computational task where entanglement can improve performance. This has applications in other tasks in quantum information including entanglement verification and quantum key distribution.
His research aims to:
- Apply Lie theory/representation theory, Schubert calculus and connected areas to quantum information.
- Identify new classes of tractable non-local games that might be especially suitable for practical applications.
While an undergraduate at Waterloo, Slofstra started working in quantum information science with Richard Cleve; this resulted in a publication on Quantum XOR Proof systems.