New IQC research assistant professor co-authors key papers

Friday, October 8, 2010

IQC research assistant professor Jay Gambetta co-authored a pair of papers recently published in Nature and Nature Physics.

IQC research assistant professor Jay Gambetta
A new research assistant professor at IQC recently co-authored a pair of papers published in Nature Physics and Nature.
Jay Gambetta, who started his research assistant professorship at IQC this month following a postdoctoral fellowship at the institute, has contributed to leading-edge work with photons and superconducting qubits.
The paper in the June 20 issue of Nature Physics explores quantum non-demolition (QND) measurement of photons. The research outlines techniques for detecting photons in microwave circuits with minimal disturbance, which is an important step in the development of quantum communications.
In the Sept. 29 issue of Nature, Gambetta and a team of former colleagues at Yale demonstrated three-qubit entanglement in a superconducting circuit.
Superconducting qubits is considered one of the more viable candidates for building a quantum computer, and the team’s findings support this idea.
The experiment built on past successes by the researchers, first by establishing a single qubit in a superconducting circuit in 2007, then the addition of a second qubit in 2009. The recent addition of a third qubit demonstrates another significant move forward in the field.
“It definitely opens the door to show it’s possible to scale these systems up to more and more qubits,” said Gambetta.
Read the articles in Nature Physics and Nature.