Tuesday, February 15, 2011
IQC researcher Adrian Lupaşcu has been awarded the prestigious Sloan Research Fellowship for 2011.

Lupaşcu, who joined IQC in 2009 and explores quantum information through superconducting materials, is one of 118 North American researchers to earn the $50,000 fellowship this year.
Awarded annually for more than 50 years, the fellowships are awarded to top scientists in the early stages of their careers, and whose research pushes the boundaries of chemistry, computer science, physics and other fields.
The fellowships are issued by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, a philanthropic institution based in New York City named for Alfred Pritchard Sloan Jr., former president and CEO of the General Motors Corporation.
The award will help Lupaşcu continue his cutting-edge research at IQC, which focuses on the creation and control of superconducting qubits — an important facet of quantum information science.
IQC congratulates Lupaşcu on this well-deserved recognition.