TQC 2009 Underway

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Bringing brilliant minds together from across the globe 

The 4th Workshop on Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication, and Cryptography got underway this week at the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC). TQC 2009 focuses on theoretical aspects of Quantum Information Processing.

This is the first time the workshop has been hosted by an institution outside of Japan. With over 100 in attendance, participants came from Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe and North and South America. All collaborating together to interact and share problems and recent discoveries.The list of invited speakers includes:

  • Masato Koashi (Osaka)
  • John Preskill (Caltech)
  • Miklos Santha (Université Paris-Sud)
  • Graeme Smith (IBM Watson)
  • Stephanie Wehner (Caltech)

Survey talks on Quantum Walks and Fault-tolerance have given a wide perspective of two important areas. A rump section and poster session gave the participants the opportunity to present short, informal talks on recent research developments.More information regarding the TQC 2009 Workshop is available on their website.

About IQC:

Founded in 2002, the mission of the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) is to aggressively explore and advance the application of quantum mechanical systems to a vast array of relevant information processing techniques.A part of the University of Waterloo, IQC creates a truly unique environment that fosters cutting-edge research and collaboration between researchers in the areas of computer, engineering, mathematical and physical sciences.At the time of this release, IQC has 18 faculty members, 20 postdoctoral fellows and over 73 students and research assistants, as well as a support staff of 10. To find out more about the Institute for Quantum Computing, please visit www.iqc.ca


Meghan Huras
Institute for Quantum Computing
475 Wes Graham Way
Waterloo ON N2L 3G1 CANADA
Fx. +1.519.888.7610