Watch IQC's Quantum Frontiers lecture online

Monday, May 2, 2011

Check out the full video of nanotech pioneer Don Eigler's talk at the inaugural IQC Quantum Frontiers Distinguished Lecture.

Don Eigler giving a lecture
IQC launched its new Quantum Frontiers Distinguished Lecture series with a fascinating, filled-to-capacity lecture by nanotech pioneer Don Eigler.
A fellow at the IBM Almaden Research Center, Eigler is widely known for having spelled out I-B-M using 35 individual atoms of xenon.
Each term, the Quantum Frontiers Distinguished Lecture Series will showcase a world-leading researcher whose work is at the forefront of quantum science.
Eigler’s April 1 lecture, co-presented by the Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology and CIFAR, explored how researchers are working to build and operate atomic-scale logic circuits that perform computation using only the spin degree of freedom. You can watch the lecture in its entirety below.
Stay tuned to the IQC website for information about the next Quantum Frontiers Distinguished Lecture, to be delivered in late June by cryptography pioneer and nanotech expert Ralph Merkle.