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- Workshop (2)
Stay current in your field of research! Learn how to automate your searches for new and relevant research by having search results and journal tables of contents sent to you on a regular basis. Find out about the alerting services available in Web of Science and CSA databases, RSS feeds, and the library’s search tool, Primo.
Hear briefly from the Office of Academic Integrity about why you need to reference your sources. Then learn how to manage your references, create bibliographies, and format your papers in a variety of citation styles from a liaison librarian using RefWorks, a web-based citation software freely available to all UWaterloo students, faculty, and staff.
How can you be sure that you’re using scholarly (academic) resources effectively? This 50 minute workshop guides you through the process of critically evaluating your sources (including articles, websites, and multimedia), and determining how credible they are for university level assignments.
This session provides you with an overview of ODESI, the platform for searching and downloading Statistics Canada datasets made available through the Data Liberation Initiative (DLI). Basic knowledge of data analysis is presumed.
Hear briefly from the Office of Academic Integrity about why you need to reference your sources. Then learn how to manage your references, create bibliographies, and format your papers in a variety of citation styles from a liaison librarian using RefWorks, a web-based citation software freely available to all UWaterloo students, faculty, and staff.

Join us for Library Day celebrations on October 31 from 10 am to 2 pm. Stop by any of the Library's locations during this time for refreshments, to say hello to library staff, and take part in the day's activities.
The workshop provides a hands-on learning environment to explore using RefWorks (or other bibliographic management software) and any research database, with citation tracking and search alert capabilities, to maintain an accurate list of your own publications and track and collect citations of your work. The process will help you to identify the best citation tracking sources for your field, uses multiple sources to ensure all your work is tracked and maximizes citation counts. The workshop does not delve into author focused impact factors (e.g. h-index etc).
Academic research is challenging because there is no one-size-fits-all solution for searching. In this 50 minute hands-on workshop, you’ll learn about and apply reliable tips and tools to help you find the best articles on your topic. You’ll also learn how to problem solve disappointing database search results.
Stay in the loop. This workshop will help you improve your literature searching and researcher monitoring abilities using Google Scholar, Web of Science, Scopus and other sources.
Got coordinates? Or maybe an aerial photo with no spatial reference? Come learn the basics of editing with Esri’s ArcGIS software. This workshop builds on “Getting Started with ArcGIS” (a recommended prerequisite for those with no previous GIS experience) and introduces users to simple methods for creating new data and editing existing data.
The third annual Research Data Management Conference, sponsored by the University of Waterloo Library, will be held on Wednesday, October 22, 2014 from 9:00 am to noon, in DC 1302.
This workshop provides you with an overview of the Statistics Canada website, including effective techniques for uncovering the vast amount of statistical information available.

International Open Access (OA) Week 2014 is fast approaching. This year's theme, "Generation Open," focuses on the impact that students and early career researchers can have in shaping the Open Access movement.
Stay current in your field of research! Learn how to automate your searches for new and relevant research by having search results and journal tables of contents sent to you on a regular basis. Find out about the alerting services available in Web of Science and CSA databases, RSS feeds, and the library’s search tool, Primo.
How can you be sure that you’re using scholarly (academic) resources effectively? This 50 minute workshop guides you through the process of critically evaluating your sources (including articles, websites, and multimedia), and determining how credible they are for university level assignments.
Hear briefly from the Office of Academic Integrity about why you need to reference your sources. Then learn how to manage your references, create bibliographies, and format your papers in a variety of citation styles from a liaison librarian using RefWorks, a web-based citation software freely available to all UWaterloo students, faculty, and staff.
Learn to navigate the world of government information! Improve your government documents searching skills and ability to find various formats of government publications. Discover how to access Canadian federal and Ontario provincial government paper and electronic documents.
By the end of this workshop, you will be able to
Academic research is challenging because there is no one-size-fits-all solution for searching. In this 50 minute hands-on workshop, you’ll learn about and apply reliable tips and tools to help you find the best articles on your topic. You’ll also learn how to problem solve disappointing database search results.
How can you be sure that you’re using scholarly (academic) resources effectively? This 50 minute workshop guides you through the process of critically evaluating your sources (including articles, websites, and multimedia), and determining how credible they are for university level assignments.
Stay current in your field of research! Learn how to automate your searches for new and relevant research by having search results and journal tables of contents sent to you on a regular basis. Find out about the alerting services available in Web of Science and CSA databases, RSS feeds, and the library’s search tool, Primo.
Academic research is challenging because there is no one-size-fits-all solution for searching. In this 50 minute hands-on workshop, you’ll learn about and apply reliable tips and tools to help you find the best articles on your topic. You’ll also learn how to problem solve disappointing database search results.
Hear briefly from the Office of Academic Integrity about why you need to reference your sources. Then learn how to manage your references, create bibliographies, and format your papers in a variety of citation styles from a liaison librarian using RefWorks, a web-based citation software freely available to all UWaterloo students, faculty, and staff.
You may have heard of GIS, but what exactly is it, and more importantly, how can you use it in your own research and academic work? This introductory workshop presents the basic concepts of GIS and will teach you the skills you need to find geospatial data, map it, and discover new dimensions of information.
Learn how to find resources for your coursework and research by searching Primo, our Library catalogue. In this 50 minute hands-on workshop you’ll become familiar with Primo’s features, learn to improve your search results, and manage your references effectively.
Hear briefly from the Office of Academic Integrity about why you need to reference your sources. Then learn how to manage your references, create bibliographies, and format your papers in a variety of citation styles from a liaison librarian using RefWorks, a web-based citation software freely available to all UWaterloo students, faculty, and staff.