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This recipe book begins with an inscription, "Melora Myle 1854," on the flyleaf, followed by a partial table of contents. The rest of the book primarily contains recipes for food, and also includes some instructions for health remedies and home care products as well as an occasional pressed flower. While most recipes are written into the book, a few have been pasted in at a later date. Credit to a source or author is generally written beside each recipe.
Melora Myle February 1854
Brief instructions for "Cure for Felon": "Sumach root, Cream + spirits of Turpentine made into a poultice."
A partial table of contents.
Recipes for Gingerbread Nuts, Drops Cakes, Potato Cake, and Vegetable Pudding.
Recipes for Cornish Heavy Cake, Apple Marmalade, and Junket.
Instructions: "To restore faded Lilac Ribbon." Recipe "for a plain cake" and for Raspberry Vinegar and Biscuits of Fruits.
Recipes for Icing for Cakes, Flour Candle, and "A very pretty dish of eggs."
Recipes for Half-Pay Pudding, Lemon Pudding, and "A very excellent and cheap cake."
Instructions for making a "Lavender scent Bag" and recipe for a Lemon Sponge.
Recipe for Lemon Sponge continued from page 9, as well as "A Cure for Weak and Sore Eyes," "A Lemonade," and Orange Marmalade.
Recipe for orange marmalade continued from page 10, as well as recipes for Bread Pudding and Jaune Mange.
Recipes for jaune mange continued from page 11, as well as "To preserve Apricots," "To preserve Strawberries," and "Treacle Posset."
Recipe for Preserved Apple and instructions "To make Yeast."
Recipe for yeast continued from page 13, as well as "To prepare dissected leaves & skeletons of Plants."
Instructions "To prepare dissected leaves & skeletons of Plants" continued from page 16, as well as "Copying Ferns" and a recipe for "Port Wine Cream."
Recipes for Crisp Paste, "To cure Hams," "Creams," and "Cream a la Mode."
Recipes for Indian Pickles, Ginger Wine, and Mince Meat.
Recipes for Quince Marmalade, Bread Pudding, and "To preserve Strawberries."
Recipe for Candied Lemon and Orange Rinds. "Ladies Home Journal" credited in the top right-hand corner.
Instructions "To preserve Cucumbers."
Recipes for Pound Cake and instructions "For cleaning silk."
Recipes for Imperial Water, "A Cheese Pudding," "A Swiss pudding," Furniture Polish, and Furniture Paste.
Recipes for Rhubarb Preserves, Cakes, and Cheap Currant Cake.
Recipe for "Another" (i.e. currant cake), Currant Jam, Hair[?] Wash, and Crystaline Pomade.
Instructions for "Killing Flea," "Bread Sauce," and "Strong Paste for Paper."
Recipes for Dough Nuts and "Very light Paste."
Instructions "To take impressions of leaves" and recipes for Potato Balls and Ginger Snaps.
Recipe for "Hunter's Beef."
Recipes for "Tippling Cake," "Scallops of cold veal or chicken," and Brawn.
Recipe for Brawn continued from page 28 and recipe for Italian Pork cheese.
"To make Coquettes" ["r" after "C" crossed out with pencil] and "A pretty Dessert."
Recipes for Fruit Creams, Raspberry Cream, and "Floating island."
Recipes for "Calfs feet" and "Jumbles."
Inserted between pages: slip from the Nova Scotia Family Grocer.
Reverse of grocery slip with recipe for Currant Wine written in pencil.
Recipe for Frosted Fruit and instructions for "Hop-rising."
"Hop-rising" continued from page 33.
Recipe for bread.
Recipes for Fried Tomato and Currant Wine.
Recipes for Short Bread and Elder Wine.
Recipes for Sponge Cake, Jelly Cake, and [?] Sauce.
Recipes for White Sauce, Cocoa nut Cakes, and Calfs foot Jelly.
Instructions "To prepare green corn for winter use" and recipe for Soft Soap.
Recipes for "Hot Pickle," Sweet Pickled Crab Apples, and Good Candles.
Recipe for "Dr Fife's Medicine," "To dry or kipper Salmon," and "Herrings &c."
Clippings: columns on the "Medical Use of Ice," "Recipes for Coloring," and the use of chloride of lime on household pests.
Instructions "To renovate black silk" and recipes for Fruit Cream, Cranberry Jelly, and Chilly Sauce.
Recipes for Sponge Cake, Scollop [i.e. Scallop?] Fish, and Gingerbread.
Clipping: "A Complete System of Dyeing." Pressed flower.
Recipe for Tonic: Beef, Iron & WIne.
Recipes for Pound Cake and French Rolls or Twists.
Clippings: "Tomato Recipes" including Tomato Chow-Chow, Tomato Ketchup, Preserving Tomatoes for Winter Use, Tomato Sauce, Tomato Jam, and Pickling Ripe Tomatos. "Domestic Treatment of Cholera."
Clippings: "How to Preserve Fruits." Pressed flower.
Clippings: "Good Advice About Cholera." Recipes for Current Jelly - "Very good" added in ink - and Lemon Jelly.
Clippings: instructions for making various clothing dyes.
Pasted in recipe: "Bloaters and Red Herrings."
Recipes for Vinegar, "Soap Hard," and Fire Kindlers.
Recipe for Hard Soap.
Recipes for Cream Cake, Corn Starch Cake, and Mrs Alteman's Biscuits.
Recipe for Rhubarb Wine.
Recipe for Rhubarb Wine continued from page 57, and recipe for Tomato Wine.
Recipe for Orange Marmalade, and crossed out recipe for "Cooling Drink."
Recipe for Laundry Starch, "To put in the boiler for clothes," "Mrs Heen's Recipe for Rheumatism," and Dandelion Wine.
Recipes for Mrs Traill's [Sally Lemons?], Mrs Smith's lemon drink, and Lemon Preserve.
Recipes for Cookies, Drop Cakes, and Oatmeal Cakes.
Recipes for Cinnamon Cookies and Chili Sauce.
Recipes for Gingerbread, Yeast, and Insecticide for Plants.
A recipe "For Asthma" and for Spanish Buns.
Recipes for Hop Cake, Soft Frosting, and Waterloo Coffee Cake.
Two recipes for Cold Slaw and "Directions for making Rocky Mountain Honey."
Recipes for Preserved Orange Peel and Milk Toast.
Recipes for Beet Salad and Cabbage Salad. A recipe for "Cream" that has been written out twice; the word "Cake" has been crossed out in the title of the first.
Recipes for Almond Cake, Salad Dressing, "To fix a can of Salmon," and "Cream Cake to go with Cream Recipe of previous page."
Recipes for Baked Eggs and "The improved method of canning Strawberries, Blackberries & raspberries."
Canning recipe continued from page 71, and recipe for Jellied Chicken.
Recipe for "Rhubarb Wine from paper" and a crossed out recipe for Egg Tonic.
Recipes for Snow Jelly, Welsh Rare-bit, and Lemon Syrup.
Recipes for Lemon Cream, Tapioca Cream Pudding, Baking Powder, and Ginger Cake.
Recipes for Wedding Cake and Coffee Cake.
Recipes for Cider, Ginger Beer, and Whipped Cream for Cake.
Recipes for Russian Cream and Plum Pudding.
Recipes for [Xmas?] Pudding and Chocolate marble cake.
Recipes for "Fruit dressing for shoes" and Turkish Delight Candy.
Recipes for Welsh Rarebit, Pumpkin Preserves, and Milk Steak.
Instructions "To get glass out of fingers &c.," "To curl feathers," and "To keep sponges in good condition." Recipe for Tomato Preserves.
Recipe for Citron Preserves.
Recipe for Citron Preserves continued from page 83, as well as recipes for Tea Biscuits, Trifle, and Boiled Custard.
Recipes for Fried Chicken and Sweet Watermelon Pickle.
Recipes for Jellied Tongue and Chicken Pot Pie.
Recipes for Cheese in the Oven, Cheese [?], and Soft Frosting.
"To make yeast" and "Ingredients for Bread."
Recipes for Raspberry Acid and Cottage Pudding; instructions "For moths" and "For Sprains."
Instructions for treating "Numbness of hands & lower limbs." A crossed out recipe for Peach Cobbler and a recipe for Lemon Filling for Pie.
Recipes for Crystalized Fruit, Lemon Peel Cake, and Tomatoes.
Recipes for Bath Cakes and Walnut Cake.
Recipes for Egg Tonic and Dried Apple Fruit Cake.
Recipes for Brown Bread and English Everton Taffy.
Recipes for Sweet-pickled green tomatoes, Cookies, and Cream Candy.
Recipes for Turkish Delight and Peanut Crisp.
Recipes for Potatoe Cake, Green Tomatoes Jam, and Stuffed egg plant.
Recipes for Batter Pudding, Celery & Apply Salad, and Sweet Potatoes.
Recipes for Walnut Wafers, Chestnut Stuffing for Turkey, "Cream for 2 small pies," and Hard Sauce.
Recipes for Oat Rocks, Date Cake, "Filling for oatmeal cookies," and Fig pudding.
Recipes for Fish pudding, Carrots for Turkey, and Steamed Fish Pudding.
Recipes for Salad Dressing, Silver Polish, and Rice flour cookies.
Recipes for Mock Duck and "No egg cake."
Recipes for "No egg cake," "To salt Oolighans[?]," and Johnnie Cake.
Recipes for Orange Filling and Whole Oranges Preserved.
Recipes for Butter Scotch Pie, Hebrew Cakes, and Oatmeal Biscuits.
Recipes for Fig Tapioca, Icing, and Canned Milk Mayonnaise.
Recipe for Winter Salad.
Recipes for Sponge Cake, Almond Sandwiches, Date Sandwiches, and Pinkface Sandwiches.
Recipes for Biscuit for Shortcake, Rose White Fruit Cake, Marmalade, and Hot Water Cake.
Recipes for Chocolate Marble Cake, "Dish for tea or supper," Golden Icing, and Mocha Icing.
Pasted-in recipe for Apple Nut Salad and Dressing for Salad.
Recipes for Oat Meal Cakes and Beef & Pork Pickle.
Pasted-in recipe for Corn Relish and Corn Pickle.
Pasted-in recipe for Soft Frosting, and recipe for Scratch Oat Cake.
Pasted-in recipe for Ripe Cucumber Pickles & Onions.
Recipes for Soft Ginger Cake and Christmas Pudding.
Recipe for Christmas Pudding continued from page 117.
Recipes "For Wooly Aphis [i.e. Aphids] on fruit trees," "Spray for fruit trees before leafing," Gargle for Sore Throat, "Another for sore throat or cold or tonsilites [i.e. tonsillitis]," Hair tonic, "For Bed Sores," "To rub back when in bed," Douche, and "For [Scribbe?] or Cold."
Relief images of ferns.