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Peter Rieder (1850-1936) was born in Perth Township on July 27th, 1850 to Daniel Rieder of Switzerland and Christina Goettinger Rieder of Germany. Peter was one of eleven children, including both full siblings and half siblings born to his mother and her second husband Conrad Kabel, whom she married after Daniel Rieder's death.
By 1877, Rieder was living in New Hamburg and was married to Emeline Merner Rieder (1857-1940), daughter of Christian Merner and Elizabeth Young Merner. The two had nine children together. Peter was also a partner in Rieder and Ruby, General Merchants of New Hamburg, from which he retired in 1912.
The scrapbook below was compiled by an unknown, but likely female, member of the Rieder family. It contains hand-drawn art as well as clippings and cutouts of art and advertisements.
Hand-drawn illustration of a mer-creature with conch.
Hand-drawn head-and-shoulders illustration of a figure with a crown of grape leaves.
Clippings: images of farm animals (horses, dogs, cattle) as well as advertisements.
Hand-drawn head-and-shoulders illustration of a well-dressed figure.
Watercolour of figures and a country landscape.
Excised bookplate of a man in a domestic setting. Caption: "Rembrand Etsende."
Illustration of sailboats and riverside cattle, and figures by a bridge.
Clippings of women in varying fashions and smaller images of children.
Illustrations featuring cattle.
Illustration of figures on a road, and watercolour of a mountain landscape.
Hand-drawn colour illustrations of hummingbirds and flowering plants.
Religious art and cards, including a large piece titled "David's Charge to Solomon."
Cutouts depicting farm life, including figures, bugs, a rooster, and cattle.
Inserted between pages: illustration of a river scene including figures. A copy of the original version seen on page 24.
Reverse of inserted page with signature and notes.
Hand-drawn illustration of a turbaned man.
Art clippings: a river scene, flora and fauna, and various figures including two figures balanced on horseback.
Hand-drawn illustration of a river scene with bridge.
Hand-drawn illustrations of a church and of figures along a country road.
Watercolours of a church building and of a figure near ruins.
Excised bookplate of a woman, child, and armoured man. Caption: "Albrecht Beiling."
Hand-drawn colour illustrations of a mountain scene and a river landscape with bridge.
Hand-drawn colour illustrations of insects.
Clippings of flowers and fruit tree branches; drawing of a garden scene with children.
Tobacco advertisement featuring "Tobacco Jack."
Clipping: illustration of river scene. The original version of the illustration on page 13 insertion.
Several clippings of figures; images of locales in London, Ontario.
Several clippings of landscape illustrations.
Religious Christmas cards including scenes from the chapter of Luke.
Art clippings of female figures with children; landscapes; illustrated cards of "Hotel des Balances Lucerna" and "Hotel de Treves a Coblence."
Inserted between pages: illustration of "Zillah, a Gypsy Maiden."
Reverse of "Zillah": "The Seven Lamps of Life Insurance. 4. The Lamp of Self-Protection."
Inserted between pages: piglets astride an adult pig with caption "Pig-a-back."
Hand-drawn illustration of a country house and watercolour of figures by a farm building.
Colour illustration of a woman guiding a donkey-drawn cart across a flooded road.
Clippings of coloured illustrations of women; watercolour of a house in a hilled countryside.
Hand-drawn pencil illustration of a strand of trees.
Clippings of children; small illustrations of towns in Switzerland.
Clippings: illustration of a maid in a domestic setting, and townspeople at a riverside.
Coloured advertisements featuring figures; large black and white illustration of royaly dressed figures meeting an elderly man.
Clippings: black and white illustrations including a man in profile, a young woman, farm animals beside standing water, and a family of young women.
Illustration of churches and street in Newbury, England; a brain teaser; illustration of river scene in Holland; illustration of a child and cat.
Clippings: illustration of gentlemen gathered by a semi-nude body; illustration of men on horseback.
Excised bookplate depicting men engaged in chess, captioned "De Schaakpartij."
Illustration of ships at sea.
Clippings: portrait of "C. Reed, Esq., P.M." and illustration of men guiding a ship through a storm with caption "Every cloud has a silver lining."
Clippings: illustrations of a woman passing through a valley with caption "A Land-Storm," and illustration of a ship in a storm with caption, "On the Dutch Coast - Fishing Smack Setting Sail."
Inserted between pages: illustration of man and woman tending farm animals.
Reverse of illustration: anecdote titled "The Poultry-Yard."
Paper cutout, possibly of a fleur-de-lis.
Clippings: colour illustrations of children in various fashions; landscapes; and advertisements.
Illustration of a mother and child; child points to a group of cherubs. A poem from the perspectve of a child is included at the bottom, discussing death and faith. Caption: "Only A Little Brook."
Illustration of a young woman kneeling in prayer. Caption: "Our Father."
Panoramic postcards of the International Exhibit buildings in London.
Clippings: flowers and Christmas scenes.
Illustration of the coronation of Queen Victoria in 1838.
Illustration of the marriage of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert in 1840.
Illustration of the Queen's visit to the opera.
Illustration of an historical costume ball at Buckingham Palace in 1842.
Illustration of the Queen conferring the Order of the Garter.
Illustration of the Queen's first visit to Scotland.
Illustration of Queen Victoria opening her first Parliament in 1837.
Illustration of the Queen distributing decorations to wounded officers and soldiers from the Crimea.
Illustrations of the Osborne House.
Illustration of the Queen visiting Netley Hospital.
Illustrations of Windsor Castle and the drawing-room at Osborne House.
Illustrations of animals at Osborne House (oxen and a donkey), and illustration of Queen Victoria being proclaimed at St. James' Palace.
Illustrations of Princess and Queen Victoria at various ages, and illustration of the Queen visiting a poor cottage at Balmoral.
Clippings: various illustrations of women and of stained glass designs.
Colour illustration of country house and farm animals on lawn.
Colour illustration of cattle on lawn and being milked.
Colour illustration of turkey, hens, roosters, ducks, geese, and other birds on lawn.
Colour illustration of farm scene: man sheering sheep with children.
Colour illustration of haying: horses pulling loads of hay.
Illustration of haying: men loading hay into horse cart.
Colour floral illustrations.
Clippings: illustrations of a well-dressed woman, a child in red on a card from the Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., and an advertisement for washing powder.
Clipping: illustration of Minnehaha Falls in Minnesota, accompanied by a poem.
Decorative paper featuring grape vine designs. Labelled "Rein & Co." and "Malaga Spain."
Advertisement for Silver Dust Soap Powder featuring a young blonde girl.
Cutouts of gentlemen's profiles, animals, children, and trees.
Illustration of women and men surrounding a wounded man, captioned "In the Hands of the Enemy."
Illustration of children using a see-saw over a felled log.
Hand-drawn colour illustrations of a hen and rooster.
Floral and decorative rug hooking pattern.
A floral rug hooking pattern featuring a bird in a tree.
The Tichborne Trial: Portraits of the Judges, Counsel, Witnesses, etc.
News clipping: "The Great Blizzard in the West."
A collection of poems and news clippings (e.g. "A Lover's Kiss," "A Wife's Duties," "A Small Girl Composes About Boys," "The Irish Widow," etc.)
A collection of poems (e.g. "Home," "Leedie Yawcob Strauss," "Johnny's Opinion of Grandmothers," etc.)
A collection of poems and other writings, including "How to Cure a Cold," and "A Discontended Baby's Diary."
Booklet: Aunt Louisa's London Toy Books - Uncle's Farm Yard. Short story.
Handwritten poem titled "My Friend." Opening stanza: "How often I'd longed for a trustworthy friend, / On whom in all seasons my heart might depend, / Both my joy and my sorrows to share; / But I met with so much disappointment and pain / That I feared all my seeking would prove to be vain, / So I nearly gave o'er in dispair."
Reverse of "My Friend" poem; poem continued. Opening stanza: "For what words can I speak of the worth of my Friend, / Having loved me once, He will love to the end, / Though I ofttimes forgetful may be, / Every cause of estrangement I would humbly defy, / So deep and so long, so broad and so high, / Is the love that He beareth for me."
Illustration of women in domestic setting.