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This scrapbook features photographs, newspaper clippings, and other items related to the women's suffrage movement. It also includes several newsletters of the Women's Social and Political Union, which was founded by Emmeline Pankhurst.
Browse the pages of the book below.
Letter to Miss Wells from Mrs. Mabel Tuke re: entrance fees for the Women's Social and Political Union.
Photo of women at W.S.P.U. (Women's Social and Polical Union) Bazaar, 1911. Tapestry: "He that goeth forth and weepeth bearing precious seeds."
Two photos with captions: "Some of Miss Silvia Pankhurst's Decorations" and "The Merry Go Round, Under the Charge of the M.P.U."
Photo of Miss Loxwood King and demonstration flyers.
Article titled "Broken Windows" by Christabel Pankhurst in the W.S.P.U. newsletter.
Article titled "Mr. Llyod George's Red Herring" by Christabel Pankhurst in the W.S.P.U. newsletter.
"Mrs. Pankhurst's unpublished Article in the Issue of 'Votes for Women,' March 8th, 1912: A Challenge!" (see loose pages section for complete article.)
Handwritten note: "Suggested Questions to Mr. McKenna." Questions relate to the treatment of suffragist prisoners.
Letter from the Prison Commission Home Office addressed to "Madam." Letter informs the repicient that she will not be allowed to visit a prisoner.
Letter from "the Governor" of H.M. Prison to Miss L.E. Wells. Letter informed the recipient that her letter has been deliver to a prisoner but that food cannot be likewise delivered.
News clippings: "'Sex Bitterness' and its cause" and "'The Women's War.'"
News clippings: "The Qualifications for the Vote." "Suffragettes and Punishment: Prison Regulations." "The Physical Force Argument."
News clippings: "Women's Bill Rejected. Concillation Debate in Commons. Majority of 14. Suprising Scenes of the Division." "Mover and Seconder" "Treatment of Women in Prison to the Editor of the Times." "The Concilation Bill." and "Women Suffrage: the Women Suffrage Vote to the Editor of the Times."
News clippings: "The Concilation Bill Rejection. Attitude of the Militant Section." "Suffrage Policy: 'Concilation and Evasion.' An Anti-Suffrage Indictment." "'Foolish Comparions.'" "Militant Policy."
News clippings: "Nationalists and Suffragists in Ireland." "The Capacity of Women." "Mr. Crawshay William's Views." "Intellect in the Home." "Sex Disability and Industry."
News clippings: "The Truce of God." "Man's Ways, and Woman's. 'Fresh Air Needed.' What's Sauce for the Gander." "One Saving Element." "Mrs. Despard's Suggested Boycott."
News clippings: "Demonstration of Women" with subheadings: "Ten-Minute Speaches," "Militants not Criticised." "The Will of the People." "Crisis in the Movemen.," "Policy of Repression."
News clippings: "Coercion and Cowardice." "Miss Eva Moore's Appeal." "The Battle-Ground of Sex: Plea for Englightenment" "Teaching of Biology." "One Common Enemy." "Woman Suffrage: Mrs. Pankhurts to be Released from Holloway." "The Treatment of Prisoners: Mrs. Fawcett's Opinion." "The Imprisoned W.S.P.U. Leaders."
An article on the treatment of suffragist prisoners and a publication by the Church of Saint Ethelburga the Virgin: "Letters of a Commonwealth Man: Women and Brute Force."
A card of a cat boasting a "Votes for Women" sign; a news clipping titled "'A Wasp in a Beehive': Walter Long and Women's Suffrage" and a poem: "Evolution proceeds in spirals; First down, then upwards; One the downward are Man rules; On the upward are Woman leads; Man delves, but Woman soars. The upward arc is "Now". M.W.V.T.
News clippings: "Intrigue in the Cabinet. Definite Discord. Premier to be Disposed. Anti-Asquith Coup. Mr Lloyd George as Dictator" and "Woman Suffrage. Analysis of Division List. Reasons for the Rejection of the Bill."
News clippings: "W.T. Stead: A Fitting Memorial." "Pressure on Public Opinion." "Treatment of Prisoners. Home Office Rules. Speech by the Home Secretary. 'Political Offenders.'" "Mr. McKenna's Reply."
News clippings: "First Division Offences." "The Present Position." "Lord Russel's Protest." "Trial Costs: Nearly ₤5000 to be Provided. Appeal Contemplated." "Mr. Pethick Lawrence's Imprisonment: W.S.P.U. Comment on the Trial."
News clippings: "Lady Castlereach's Views." "Reply by Sir Victor Horsley." "An Appeal to Mrs. Humphrey Ward." "An Appeal to Lady Jersey and Lady Robson." "The Doctrine of Taboo."
News clippings: "Reply of a Wife and Mother" from an Anti-Militant Suffratist. "Sir A. Wright's Letter." "Unmarried England." "Reply to Lady Emily Lutyens" from a husband and father, "Reply by Dr. Agnes Savill." "Sir A. Wright and Medical Women."
News clippings: letter to the editor of the Times by Stanley Leathes, "Sir Almoth Wright's Letter: A Protest by Sir R. Douglad Powell." "'Ought Not Woman to be Abolished?'" from "One of the Doomed." Letter from Mary S. Duff. Letter from TH. Baty. "Civilization and Force."
News clippings: "Forcible Feeding. Protest Meeting at the Pavilion. Mr M'Kenna Denounced." "Statements in the House." "Woman as Mother. Mr. Zangwill's Censored Play. 'The Next Religion.'" "Prison Life: Some Experiences of Suffragists." Portrait of Miss Adeline Bourne.
News clippings: "W.T. Stead: 'A Living Memorial' Wanted." "The Sentences of W.S.P.U. Leaders: 'A Moral Acquittal. Mr. Lawrence Removed to Brixton." "Release Demanded." "'The Holloway Witness." and "Political Offences: A Protest from London Graduates."
Portrait of Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst.
Portrait of Christabel Pankhurst.
Flyer for a White Slave Traffic demonstration at the London Opera House.
Flyer for "A Reception to Welcome Mrs. Cecil Chapman and the Woman Marchers from Edinburgh."
Flyer for a reception by the Woman's Tax Resistance League at Caxton Hall, Westminster.
Flyer for a public welcome by the Men's Political Union for Women's Enfranchisement at Kensington Town Hall.
Flyer for a public meeting by the Woman's Social and Political Union in the London Pavilion.
W.S.P.U. leaflet protesting the treatment of suffragist prisoners. Includes a letter by Miss Grace Roe.
W.S.P.U. newsletter no.27. Leaflet lists reasons "Why Women Want the Vote."
W.S.P.U. newsletter no.46. "The Suffragettes and their Unruly Methods: to the editor of the Labour leader" by T.D. Benson. Letter reveals support for the tactics of the suffragists.
Leaflet: "Political Offences. Status of Suffragist Prisoners. Appeal to Mr. McKenna by W. Lyon Blease."
News clippings: "Lord Lytton of the Suffrage. Women's Franchise Club." "The W.S.P.U. 'Split.'" "A Reply to Lord Curzon: 'Not a Shred of Evidence,' by Lady Selborne."
News clippings: "Incitement to Rebel. Mrs. Pankhurst's Fiery Speech. Suffragist Meeting in Kensington. Call to Destroy Property." White Slave Traffic Great United Demonstration ad and International Suffragist Fair ad.
News clippings: "White Slave Traffic: Primate's Strong Support of the Bill." "The Mountjoy Prisoners: Curious Letter from Dublin."
News clippings: "'Hereditary Despots': The Split in the W.S.P.U. Ranks." "Mr. Pethick Lawrence and the Union's Funds." "Disraeli and the Vote: Views on the Suffrage. When a Queen Rules."
News clippings: "Militants at Variance. Questions of Policy. Mrs. Pethick Lawrence Interviewed." "Official Announcements." "Mrs. Pankhurst the New Militancy." "A Previous Split Recalled." "Election Policy. Militants Oppose Labour."
News clippings: "Christabel in London. Took Advantage of Fog to Visit her Friends." "The Suffragist March." "Queenie Gerald and Some Others."
News clippings: "Militants at Variance. Questions of Policy. Mrs. Pethick Lawrence Interviewed." "Miss Pankhurst Defines the New Militancy." "A Previous Split Recalled." "Election Policy. Suffragists and the Labour Party." "Militants Oppose Labour."
News clipping: program for the Women's March from Edinburgh to London for the Vote.
News clippings: "Mrs. Fawcett's Speech. 'Sword of the Spirit.'" "Lord R. Cecil. The Attitude of the Commons."
The Chelsea and Battersea W.S.P.U. Third Annual Report pamphlet and a W.S.P.U. membership card.
The Standard, May 22, 1912. "The Suffragist Trial. Speeches of Accused. Mrs. Pankhurst and 'Black Friday.' Militancy Defined. 'Nothing Criminal Has Been Done.'"
The Standard, May 18, 1912. "The Suffragist Trial. Police as Reporters. Mrs. Pankhurst and Her Speeches. What is a Synopsis? Inspector's Notes on a Newspaper."
The Standard, May 18, 1912 (continued).
The Standard, March 29, 1912. "Woman's Platform. Conciliation Bill. Great Commons Debate. Women and the Vote. Objections to the Compromise. Injustice to Wives. Non-Party Speeches."
The Standard, February 24, 1912. "Women's Platform. At the Albert Hall. Great Suffrage Meeting. Mr. Lloyd George. Harassed by Hail of Questions. Women's Demands."
Leaflet by the Church of Saint Ethelburga the Virgin withing Bishopsgate. Letters of a Commonwealth Man: Women and Brute Force.
Leafle. The Women's Demonstrations: A Russian's Point of View by Jaakoff Prelooker.
Newsletter by the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies on White Slave Traffic.
Newsletter by the W.S.P.U. "Suffragist Prisoners are Political Offenders Therefore they should be treated as First-class Misdemeanants. "
Newsletter no.94 by the W.S.P.U. "Mrs. Pankhurst's Treatment in Prison. Statement by Dr. Ethel Smyth." "Reply by the Home Office." "Dr. Ethel Smyth's Reply."
Newsletter no.88 by the W.S.P.U. "Broken Windows" by Christabel Pankhurst.
Newsletter no.24 by the W.S.P.U. "Some Questions Answered" by Christabel Pankhurst.
Newsletter no.93 by the W.S.P.U. "Crowned with Honour. A Speech by Mrs. Annie Besant, at the Royal Albert Hall, March 28th, 1912."
Newsletter no.91 by the W.S.P.U. "Mrs. Pankhurst's unpublished Article in the Issue of 'Votes for Women,' March 8th, 1912: A Challenge!"