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University of Waterloo Library
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An Electronic Display Highlighting the Faculty of Arts Fifteenth Annual Arts Lecture
Turning History into Theatre: The Making of The Berlin Show
Prof. William Chadwick
Department of Drama and Speech Communication
University of Waterloo
Tuesday, February 28, 1995
7:30 p.m.
Theatre of the Arts
The daily diaries of two brothers, William Henry Breithaupt and Louis Jacob Breithaupt, provide first-hand accounts of the events surrounding the name change debate of 1916 as well as other events related to war-time history in the local area. These diaries are part of the Breithaupt Hewetson Clark Collection in the Doris Lewis Rare Book Room, first floor, Dana Porter Library.
The daily diaries of two brothers, William Henry Breithaupt and Louis Jacob Breithaupt, provide first-hand accounts of the events surrounding the name change debate of 1916 as well as other events related to war-time history in the local area. These diaries are part of the Breithaupt Hewetson Clark Collection in the Doris Lewis Rare Book Room, first floor, Dana Porter Library.
In his diary for May 13,1916 William Henry Breithaupt describes the destruction caused by soldiers at his Margaret Avenue house. Following these events, Breithaupt lodged an official complaint with military officials. The meeting between Breithaupt and those officials was reported in the Toronto World newspaper the next day.
W.H. Breithaupt wrote to the Berlin News Record about the name change. Breithaupt opposed the change and his letter prompted Alderman W.G. Cleghorn to write a spirited response--a response which in turn prompted Breithaupt to consult his lawyer, H.J. Sims, about a potential lawsuit. Below is the diary entry referring to his meeting with Sims on March 6, 1916.
William Walter Breithaupt's series of "letters home" describing his experiences is available in the Doris Lewis Rare Book Room. A facsimile letter was written on what was to become known as "Armistice Day" - November 11, 1918. It was written to his older brother, Louis O. Breithaupt.
William Walter Breithaupt's series of "letters home" describing his experiences is available in the Doris Lewis Rare Book Room. A facsimile letter was written on what was to become known as "Armistice Day" - November 11, 1918. It was written to his older brother, Louis O. Breithaupt.
Both brothers commented in their diaries on the damage done to the premises occupied by the "Concordia Singing Society" on February 15, 1916.
Both brothers commented in their diaries on the damage done to the premises occupied by the "Concordia Singing Society" on February 15, 1916.
February 12, 1916: facsimile clipping saved by Louis Jacob Breithaupt describing events surrounding the name change debate.
February 12, 1916: facsimile clipping saved by Louis Jacob Breithaupt describing events surrounding the name change debate.
February 12, 1916: facsimile clipping saved by Louis Jacob Breithaupt describing events surrounding the name change debate.
February 12, 1916: facsimile clipping saved by Louis Jacob Breithaupt describing events surrounding the name change debate.
February 12, 1916: facsimile clipping saved by Louis Jacob Breithaupt describing events surrounding the name change debate.