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"Grape Culture, Wines and Wine-Making" by Agosotn Haraszthy. New York, 1862. Known as the father of modern California viticulture, Haraszthy toured the European vineyards in 1861 and purchased 100,000 vines of different varieties virtually all of which survived shipment to California. This book describes his tour.
"Grape Culture, Wines and Wine-Making" by Agosotn Haraszthy. New York, 1862. Known as the father of modern California viticulture, Haraszthy toured the European vineyards in 1861 and purchased 100,000 vines of different varieties virtually all of which survived shipment to California. This book describes his tour.
"A Treatise on the Culture of the Vine" by William Speechley. York: 1790. William Speechley, the author of a treatise on the vine, was a noted author of books on horticulture. The first edition of his work on wine contains a list of "subscribers' --those who had paid "in advance" for the book. It is interesting to note that Humphrey Repton, one of the best-known landscape gardeners of the era, was one of those subscribers.
"A Treatise on the Culture of the Vine" by William Speechley. York: 1790. William Speechley, the author of a treatise on the vine, was a noted author of books on horticulture. The first edition of his work on wine contains a list of "subscribers' --those who had paid "in advance" for the book. It is interesting to note that Humphrey Repton, one of the best-known landscape gardeners of the era, was one of those subscribers. Shown here is an illustration from a later edition of the same title.
"Trattato Della coltivazione Delle Viti E Del Frutto" by Giovanni Vettorio Soderini. In Firenze Per Filippo Givnti MDC. The very first edition of Soderini's Viticulture was printed in Florence in 1600. It was published with a second work which included Davanzati's Tuscan Viticulture, both of which were later published again. A second edition (1610) is shown here in its original seventeenth century binding.