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University of Waterloo Library
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Distillation - the oldest method of producing chemically pure substances - is the most ancient of the techniques used in applied chemistry. The word "distillation" is used to describe the physical separation of a mixture containing at least two or more compounds.
The production of "distilled spirits" is based on fermentation, the natural process of decomposition of organic materials containing carbohydrates.
The Seagram Collection contains some of the earliest and important works on the process of distillation and of special interest in these works are the detailed drawings and diagrams of the apparatus used in the purification process.
Also included in the collection are works detailing the production of a wide variety of alcoholic beverages. Some of those are shown here.
"De Naturali Vinorum Historia De Vinis Intaliae Et De Conuinijs Antiquorum" by Andrea Bacii. Romae Ex officina Nicholai Mutii 1596. This first edition of Bacci's De Naturali Vinorum contains a very fine engraved title-page as well as a full page engraving of the Roman baths, which has been reproduced here. Described as a work of "great rarity," it includes descriptions of the wines of Italy, Spain, France and other European countries.
"A Compleat Body of Distilling, Explaining the Mysteries of that Science" by George Smith London: Printed for Henry Lintot, 1731. This very rare and early edition of Smith's work outlines the theory and practice of distilling a great variety of waters, brandies, wines, cordial, etc. in use in the eighteenth century. Included in the book is a description of a still and how to construct it. Since the work was primarily written for the wholesaler, the author has added to this edition the basic business costs, profits, etc. The illustrations in this edition as well as those in the third edition of 1738, also shown here, are among the most detailed in the collection. The binding of the third edition is also interesting in that it has wine glasses embossed and stamped in gilt on the spine.
Conrad Gesner (1516 - 1565): De Secretis Remediis Liber avt potivs Thesavrvs, Evonymo Gesnero Philiatro authore. Tiguri: Per Andream Gessnerum, 1554. One of the earliest works in the Seagram Library is Conrad Gesner's work which was printed in 1554. Gesner, a Swiss physician and naturalist was best known for his systematic compilations of information on animals and plants. This book gives an account of plants to be distilled and also included in this text are methods of distilling medicines as well as wines. This copy of one of his rare works is seen here in its original vellum binding--somewhat worse for wear. The text includes a number of technical illustrations showing the apparatus and tools used in the distillation process.
Conrad Gesner (1516 - 1565): De Secretis Remediis Liber avt potivs Thesavrvs, Evonymo Gesnero Philiatro authore. Tiguri: Per Andream Gessnerum, 1554. One of the earliest works in the Seagram Library is Conrad Gesner's work which was printed in 1554. Gesner, a Swiss physician and naturalist was best known for his systematic compilations of information on animals and plants. This book gives an account of plants to be distilled and also included in this text are methods of distilling medicines as well as wines. This copy of one of his rare works is seen here in its original vellum binding--somewhat worse for wear. The text includes a number of technical illustrations showing the apparatus and tools used in the distillation process.
Conrad Gesner (1516 - 1565): De Secretis Remediis Liber avt potivs Thesavrvs, Evonymo Gesnero Philiatro authore. Tiguri: Per Andream Gessnerum, 1554. One of the earliest works in the Seagram Library is Conrad Gesner's work which was printed in 1554. Gesner, a Swiss physician and naturalist was best known for his systematic compilations of information on animals and plants. This book gives an account of plants to be distilled and also included in this text are methods of distilling medicines as well as wines. This copy of one of his rare works is seen here in its original vellum binding--somewhat worse for wear. The text includes a number of technical illustrations showing the apparatus and tools used in the distillation process.
Conrad Gesner (1516 - 1565): De Secretis Remediis Liber avt potivs Thesavrvs, Evonymo Gesnero Philiatro authore. Tiguri: Per Andream Gessnerum, 1554. One of the earliest works in the Seagram Library is Conrad Gesner's work which was printed in 1554. Gesner, a Swiss physician and naturalist was best known for his systematic compilations of information on animals and plants. This book gives an account of plants to be distilled and also included in this text are methods of distilling medicines as well as wines. This copy of one of his rare works is seen here in its original vellum binding--somewhat worse for wear. The text includes a number of technical illustrations showing the apparatus and tools used in the distillation process.
Conrad Gesner (1516 - 1565): De Secretis Remediis Liber avt potivs Thesavrvs, Evonymo Gesnero Philiatro authore. Tiguri: Per Andream Gessnerum, 1554. One of the earliest works in the Seagram Library is Conrad Gesner's work which was printed in 1554. Gesner, a Swiss physician and naturalist was best known for his systematic compilations of information on animals and plants. This book gives an account of plants to be distilled and also included in this text are methods of distilling medicines as well as wines. This copy of one of his rare works is seen here in its original vellum binding--somewhat worse for wear. The text includes a number of technical illustrations showing the apparatus and tools used in the distillation process.
Conrad Gesner (1516 - 1565): De Secretis Remediis Liber avt potivs Thesavrvs, Evonymo Gesnero Philiatro authore. Tiguri: Per Andream Gessnerum, 1554. One of the earliest works in the Seagram Library is Conrad Gesner's work which was printed in 1554. Gesner, a Swiss physician and naturalist was best known for his systematic compilations of information on animals and plants. This book gives an account of plants to be distilled and also included in this text are methods of distilling medicines as well as wines. This copy of one of his rare works is seen here in its original vellum binding--somewhat worse for wear. The text includes a number of technical illustrations showing the apparatus and tools used in the distillation process.