Frederick Arthur Edmonds (1884-1962)

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Edmonds moved to Guelph, Ont. before the First World War to become a member of Guelph's symphony orchestra. He had been in the 1st Essex Regiment of the British Army and in the Canadian Militia before the war; he enlisted on September 23rd, 1914 in the 11th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. In March 1915, Edmonds sailed to England and was in the front trenches from April 1915 to April 1917 before being invalided home just before the battle of Vimy Ridge.

Edmonds' diary page.

Still in Billets, but all ready to go to the line tonight for an assault on German positions. The attack is to be launched by the glorious 1st Can. Division at 1:30am tomorrow morning. P.S. If this is to be my last entry, please forward this little book to mother.                                                                -June 12, 1916

                                                                         Page source: GA 149

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