Dana Porter Library, first floor
University of Waterloo Library
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1
519-888-4567 x42619 or x42445
October 17, 1930
I am Sitting here in our bed room at Nikolsk, far East. Mrs Byers is washing the dishes, it is exactly 8 [underlined superscript: 20] PM. Some thing is wrong in Side of Me to day. am I Loosing courage? or is it Just that terrible feeling that Comes to every one who hears of death. My instructor Confessed to Me he could not go on any longer, I encouraged him to stick it out, to-day he took a shot gun. and with a meter Stick, layed on his Back, and Shot him Self through the heart. 18 Men remain to work.. there were 280, yes I feel like God is about to lay his hand on me he feels So close. God Help us.
H. J. B.