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Notes on Marketing in general and Daily Marketing.
Blackboard Summary: Points to Remember for marketing and daily marketing.
Points to Remember continued: tips for selecting meats.
Blackboard Summary of meats.
Tips for selecting poultry and fish.
Blackboard Summary of fish.
Notes on buying bread, milk, and butter.
Blackboard Summary: Bread, Milk, and Butter. Illustrations of flour bin and milk sterilizer.
Tips for buying lard, cheese, and eggs.
Blackboard Summary: Cheese, Eggs, and Buscuits. Illustrations of cheese disk and egg box.
Blackboard Summary continued from page 79: Cakes, Vegetables, and Fruits.
Blackboard Summary: Cakes, Vegetables, and Fruits. Illustration of vegetable rack.
Continued from page 81: fruits, tea, coffee, and cocoa.
Blackboard Summary: Fruit. Weekly and Occassional Marketing: tea, coffee, and cocoa. Illustrations of coffee strainer, tea caddy, coffee canister, coffee mill, and coffee pot.
Notes: Sugar, Cereals, and Condiments.
Blackboard Summary: Sugar, Cereals, and Condiments. Illustrations of sugar jar and covered jar for cereal.
Continued from page 84: Condiments, Spices, and Dried Fruits.
Blackboard Summary continued from page 85: Condiments, Spices, and Dried Fruits.
Notes on marketing. Notes on buying coal, coke, wood, matches, paraffin, and kerosene.
Blackboard Summary: Tinned Fruits and Meats. Household Requisition for Warming and Lighting.
Notes: Candles, Soap, and Soda.
Blackboard Summary: Candles and Cleaning Articles - Soap and Soda.
Notes on cleaning articles continued from page 91.
Blackboard Summary of cleaning articles: Blue, Brookes Soap, Bathbrick, Hearthstone, Turpentine, Sand, and Black lead
The Larder: Aspects of a Good Larder. Illustrations of a mouse trap, meat safe, and housemaids box.
Notes continued from page 95 and notes on cleaning larder.
Blackboard Summary: Hooks, Uncooked Food, Remains of Joints, Bread, Shelves and Floor.
Notes on cleaning larder and on storage of meat in larder.
Blackboard Summary: Weekly Attention, Yearly Attention, and Keeping Food.
Notes continued from page 98. Notes on storage of foods in larder.
Blackboard Summary: Eggs, Butter, Cakes and Buscuits, Cheese, Root Vegetables, and Green Vegetables.
Notes on storage of foods in larder, continued from page 100.
Blackboard Summary continued from page 101. List of Dried Stores.
Notes continued from page 102.
Notes on Dried Stores continued from page 103. Keeping Accounts.
Dinner Menus for the Week, for a Family of Four.
Chart: spending over a week, Dec. 10th, 1904.
Items of Bills: purchases at Butcher, Baker, Greengrocer, Grocer, Cheese-monger, and Milkman over a week.
Continued from page 108: purchases at Fishmonger and for Fuel, Lighting, Laundry, and Sundries over a week. Balance for week ending Dec. 10th 1904.