Welcome to Maglev Microrobotics Laboratory


Maglev Microrobotics Laboratory studies the design and development of magnetically levitated (Maglev) robots. To accomplish this, a magnetic levitation setup enabling high precision 3D remote positioning was built.

Our Maglev systems find applications in areas spanning various disciplines such as:

  •  Contactless micromanipulation and microrobotics
  •  Manipulation in hazardous environment
  •  Clean rooms applications
  •  Wind tunnel testing
  •  Wafer growth and wafer transportation

We are working on the development and industrialization of various applications of magnetism such as electromagnetic energy harvesters and non-destructive testing for detecting cracks and defects in live pipelines.

Dr. Khamesee is a Co-PI in the development of Robohub in E7 building. Research on Magnetic Levitation Floor is currently being conducted in Robohub!



PhD and MASc positions are open.

An immediate PhD position is available. The applicant must already be in Canada to expedite the paperwork process.

Maglev Microrobotics Laboratory Director

Professor Behrad Khamesee (2023)

Behrad Khamesee, PhD, PEng


Lab Location: E5-3044

Engineering 5 building, 3rd Floor

What makes it different is that it’s a single unit unlike other multi units that have been developed.

Professor Khamesee


Afarin Khabbazian, a MASc student from our laboratory, presented her research with the poster title: "Magnetically actuated soft robots for applications in the urinary tract" in the Poster Showcase session at Biomedical Engineering and Technology Research Day on July 24, 2024.

Dr. Behrad Khamesee was invited as a flash talk speaker in the session on Magnetically levitated mirorobots for micromanipulation and biomedical applications at SOMMeRS 2023 on Tuesday, July 11, 2023.

Joseph Nofech and Afarin Khabbazian, two MASc students from our laboratory, also participated in poster presentation.