Featured at Grebel
Registration Deadline: February 5, 2020
PACS 398 credit for MAP the System Projects.
Where: KPL Main Branch, 85 Queen St. Kitchener
Free Admission
Centered around an extensive interview with Jose “Pepe” Mujica, the former President of Uruguay who gained notoriety on the world stage as a rare politician: one that lives according to the ideas and principles he preaches, Delicate Balance is a contemplative essay on the everyday reality of globalization.
Spanish with English subtitles, 81 min.
Click here to learn more about the Latin American Film Festival
Where: Balsillie School of International Affairs, room 1-42
When: February 13, 12-1:30pm
Where: International Migration Research Centre, Laurier University
Jobs and Opportunities
When: Summer 2020
Where: Various National and International Destinations Available
Applications Due: ASAP interviews are conducting in January and February
When: Full time Wednesday - Saturday, April to August 2020
Where: Growing Hope Farm, Cambridge, Ontario
Application Deadline: February 7, 2020
Beginning April 2020, Growing Hope Farm has three positions available which would be perfect for a student.
When: June 29- July 28, 2020
Application Due Date: February 15, 2020
Since 2005, the Temple of Understanding has implemented its commitment to the education of youth by hosting a Summer Student Internship Program.
The student interns are given passes to enable them to attend open meetings of the United Nations Security Council, the UN General Assembly, and various committees. This program launches their careers as global citizens who care about the humanitarian goals embraced by the UN. Students accepted into this program have the opportunity to meet with different missions and NGOs, pursue independent research, learn about different religions through visiting their houses of worship, and participate in community volunteer work.
The minimum age is 18. Applicants must be 18 years old by June 24, 2020 to participate in the program.
When: Fall 2020
Where: Elmira, Ontario and International (Zambia 7-8 weeks)
This is a great opportunity for students who will be graduating from the PACS this year and are looking for employment opportunities.
Forge is a Christian mission organization dedicated to helping churches meet the physical and spiritual needs of widows, orphans, and refugees around the globe. Their primary focus is on transformation development programs that will, over time, break the cycle of poverty.
Upcoming Courses
When: August 14- 28, 2020
Application deadline: February 7, 2020
Meet scholars, diplomats, journalists and social justice advocates, among others. Visit major cities and sites of political, historical, and religious significance.
Cost: $5000- $6000 CAD (based on group size)
Priority will be given to students in at least 3A with a minimum cumulative average of 75%
Financial awards are available.
When: May 4-25, 2020
Where: Brazil
Open to Upper Year Undergrad Students Only
This course will combine experiential, research and writing components. Students will live with families on MST settlements and observe and participate in MST agricultural work, meetings, political and cultural events. A segment of the course will also take place at the MST’s Florestan Fernandes National School and will include meetings with the MST’s national staff. There will also be meetings with other social movements and unions (e.g., Via Campesina, the “Sem Teto” or “Homeless Movement”, etc.).
Students will complete preparatory research assignments prior to traveling to Brazil, participate in and lead group meetings, seminars and tutorials in Brazil, and complete a follow-up research paper.
When: Part 1: July 12-22, 2020
Part 2: August 12-22, 2020
Where: Prishtina, Kosovo
Application Deadline: Part 1: April 20, 2020
Part 2: May 5, 2020
This July (12 – 22) and August (12 – 22), Kosovo International Summer Academy (KSA) will organize Part I and Part II of its 8th edition in Prishtina, Kosovo, with a special focus on “Peace building in post-conflict areas – Diplomacy, Leadership and Negotiations”, that will be realized by Kosovo Center for Diplomacy.
The uniqueness of Kosovo International Summer Academy is the association with the professors and guest lecturers from the world’s top universities, government officials and ambassadors. KSA will be welcoming experts from different levels that will be teaching and sharing their academic and professional experiences with our participants, as well as will give the chance to our participants to take the information from the first hand. Kosovo International Summer Academy elaborates different topics on economics, politics, diplomacy, professional etiquette and protocol, leadership, peaceful conflict resolution, EU Integration process, international law, human rights, international justice, international security and the role of civil society in building peace, in interactive lectures with diplomats, high ranking officials, representatives of civic society and prestigious local and international organizations.
Scholarships are available, learn more by clicking here.
Notes and Additional Resources
When: April 3-4, 7pm-7am
Where: TBD
Relay for Life (RFL) is a Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) fundraising event held annually at the University of Waterloo. The event takes place from 7pm-7am, signifying a patient's long battle with cancer. It includes continuous walking, mixed with fun activities and performances, all surrounding the important message that together we can fight back against cancer. RFL also involves a luminary ceremony, where participants are able to reflect on loved ones who have passed on or have won their battle by decorating a luminary that will be lit in memory of or in honour of their loved one.
Anyone with a connection to Waterloo is invited to register for the event as a participant as an individual or create a team with their friends to fundraise.
10 – 12 pictures will be selected for use in the show. If your photo is selected you will receive $500. We also plan to select 20 – 50 pictures for a slide show that will be shown in the gallery during “performance nights”. If your photo is selected as a part of these 20 you will receive $20.
Counselling Services strives to help you lead a healthy and balanced life. They provide a secure, supportive, and inclusive environment for all students. Counselling Services provides individual appointments, seminars and workshops, peer support, and online help for those in need of support and guidance.
Click here to be directed to their home page.
Online Workshops and Seminars
Can't make it to the in-person sessions? Campus Wellness also offers online workshops and seminars! These include the coping skills seminars, relaxation exercises, stress management, and tips for sleeping well
Click her to be directed to their home page.
Disclaimer: Events and opportunities above are not all endorsed by the PACS department; this bulletin includes opportunities that we think PACS students may be interested in but are not sponsored by PACS. Please use your own discretion to determine if an opportunity is right for you.
If you have any questions regarding the above content please contact: pacsasst@uwaterloo.ca