Christabel Polacco

Title: Nurturing the Seeds of Conflict: An Analysis of the Effects of Identity Narratives on Israeli and Palestinian Youth Perspectives of Peace
Research Questions: How have the larger societal narratives on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict influenced the ways that young people on both sides of the conflict view the potentials and possibilities for peace?
Summary: Young people are the future of the world. The current global conflicts and any to come will be managed and negotiated by the world’s youth. With that in mind, it is important that today’s leaders (political, religious, educational, etc.) are mindful of the narrative that they reinforce and subsequently support when discussing conflicts and conflict management. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one that has a variety of layers and as such, the narratives used by leaders on both sides have been extremely influential. Political and religious leaders on both sides have supported a narrative of victimization and as such young people have been encouraged to believe that they are fighting to protect their homes and families from enemies. Having recently been in Israel, I was primarily exposed to Israeli-Jewish youth and elders’ perspectives and saw first-hand how such narratives have influenced the ways some young people view the potential for peace in the region. For example, many of the young Israeli-Jews that I spoke with believed that Israel has done all it can and that it is Palestine that needs to initiate peace. There appeared little to no awareness of the power differentials at play. Applying the work of political psychologists and peace studies scholars who have analyzed the individual experiences of Israeli and Palestinian youths in regards to the conflict, I suggest that attention needs to change from discussions of whether one state or two state proposals will work to changing the very narratives which nurture the seeds of the conflict.
Anthony Castiglione

Title: Does Capitalism Create Crisis? An examination of the economic and public policy arguments of the capitalist system
Abstract: Capitalism is a system that has visibly engulfed Canada. In the last two decades, crisis has riddled this nation and the system of capitalism has raised questions about being one of the direct factors of crisis. The purpose of this study is to examine capitalism in Canada. More specifically, it is an examination of the economic and public policy arguments proposed in regards to capitalism. This paper will work to show that capitalism and crisis are positively related, and the former causes the latter. This study will examine several arguments, as well as case studies such as the 2008 Global Financial Crisis to further the link between capitalism and crisis.
Each question and hypothesis will work to solve the underlying question of this paper: does capitalism create crisis?