PSCI 496 Civic Engagement Enrollment Application

Learn more about this course.

Step 1: Find a 40-hour placement as a volunteer or a paid employee 

Step 2: Complete Civic Engagement Enrollment Application below 

Deadline to submit your application is the first day of classes.

Decisions will be made by the end of first week of classes. If you have any questions, please contact  

Enrollment Term
Academic Plan
Are you a co-op student?
I have already secured a position requiring you to complete 40 hours of a paid or unpaid civic engagement experience.
If no, please make arrangements first and return to complete this application.
Example: Duty – Conducting primary archival research for a local church - 20 hours Brief description of assigned duty - Searching the church archives for information regarding the relationship between the church and local Indigenous communities. Duty - Reporting research findings in format of choosing to the anti-racism committee and church - 20 hours Final Project: Written report with research findings