Wednesday, February 15, 2023 2:00 pm
2:00 pm
EST (GMT -05:00)
Robert Cornea, Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Waterloo
"A basic Introduction to Higgs Bundles and Vafa-Witten Bundles"
We give a basic introduction to Higgs Bundles over a Riemann surface, what it means for a Higgs bundle to be stable and give some examples. We then discuss two motivating ways why one would consider Higgs bundles, one coming from gauge theory and the other from algebraic geometry. Finally, we talk about how one could generalize Higgs bundles from being over a Riemann surface to a Kähler surface, these Higgs bundles are called Vafa-Witten Higgs bundles.
This seminar will be held both online and in person:
- Room: MC 5403
- Zoom link: