2023 |2022 |2021 |2020 |2019 |2018 |2017 |2016 | 2015
This list consists of the name, thesis title and supervisor of Pure Math MMath recipients for the past several years.
Clement Wan
- Title: On Pseudovarieties of Finite Algebras
- Supervisor: Ross Willard
Vincent Boldt
- Title: Model Theory of Higher Derivations
- Supervisor: Rahim Moosa
Tanner Boos
- Title: Brownian Motion Through the Construction of the Wiener Measure
- Supervisor: Alexandru Nica
Laindon Burnett
- Title: An Analogue of Cobham's Theorem for F-automatic sequences
- Supervisor: Jason Bell
Jing Xuan Chen
- Title: Positive Bisectional Curvature on Compact Kahler Surfaces and Kahler-Einstein Manifolds
- Supervisor: Spiro Karigiannis
Daniel Clark
- Title: Up the Hill Backwards: Lie Group Grom a Lie Algebra
- Supervisor: Xuemiao Chen
Sam Cookson
- Title: The Subpower Membership Problem on Clifford Semigroups in Polynomial Time
- Supervisor: Ross Willard
Cynthia Dai
- Title: Toric Vector Bundles
- Supervisor: Matthew Satriano
Ismael El Yassini
- Title: Roth's theorem on arithmetic progressions
- Supervisor: Yu-Ru Liu
Young In (Daniel) Han
- Title: Derived Functors and Cohomology Theories
- Supervisor: Jason Bell
Joey Lakerdas-Gayle
- Title: Isomorphism Spectra and Categoricity Spectra of Computable Structures
- Supervisor: Barbara Csima
Hanming Liu
- Title: Calculations on Dirac and Spinor Valued Forms
- Supervisor: Spiro Karigiannis
Liam McQuay
- Title: Finite-dimensional *-algebras vai geometry of projections
- Supervisor: Alexandru Nica
Ravi Mudaliar
- Title: Riemann Surfaces, Function Fields, and Belyi's Theorem
- Supervisor: Xuemiao Chen
Steven Piatkowski
- Title: Representation Theory of Finite Groups
- Supervisor: Wentang Kuo
Gian Cordana Sanjaya
- Title: Density of Special Classes of Polynomials with Squarefree Discriminant
- Supervisor: Jerry Wang
Jacques Van Wyk
- Title: Elliptic Partial Differential Operators
- Supervisor: Spiro Karigiannis
Gerrik Wong
- Title: Tidy Idempotents of L1 (G)
- Supervisor: Nico Spronk
Jenny Xu
- Title: Tree Properties and their Associated Cardinal Invariants
- Supervisor: Rahim Moosa
Nolan Pyott
- Thesis Title: Generalized GCDs as Applications of Vojta's Conjecture
- Supervisor: David McKinnon
Simon Adamus
- Title: Universality in Punctually Computable Structure Theory
- Supervisor: Barbara Csima
Thomas Bray
- Title: Harmonic Analysis of Free Groups and an Application to Arens Products
- Supervisor: Nico Spronk
Robert Cornea
- Title: Dimensional Reduction of Vafa-Witten Systems
- Supervisor: Ruxandra Moraru
Ethan Davis
- Title: Uncountably Many Non-Elementarily Equivalent II_1 Factors
- Supervisor: Matthew Kennedy
Andean Medjedovic
- Title: Exact Formulas for Averages of Secular Coefficients
- Supervisor: Michael Rubinstein
Robert Morissette
- Title: On Burris's Proof of Baker's Finite Basis Theorem
- Supervisor: Ross Willard
Aidan Patterson
- Title: Para-Holomorphic Algebroids with Para-Complex Connections
- Supervisor: Ruxandra Moraru
Joaquin Prandi
- Title: Local Dimension of Discrete Measures
- Supervisor: Kevin Hare
Spencer Secord
- Title: A Proof That Straight Domains are Locally Divided
- Supervisor: David McKinnon
Owen Sharpe
- Title: Discrete Restriction Bounds for (x^3, x) and More General Polynomials
- Supervisor: Yu-Ru Liu
Yuxuan Sun
- Title: On the Dynamical Wilf-Zeilberger Problem
- Supervisor: Jason Bell
Francisco Villacis
- Title: Computation of Chen-Ruan Cohomology Rings for Abelian Orbifolds
- Supervisors: Ruxandra Moraru and Shengda Hu
Spencer Whitehead
- Title: Integrality theorems for symmetric instantons
- Supervisor: Benoit Charbonneau
Xiao Zhong
- Supervisor: Jason Bell
Nicolas Banks
- Title: Galois Actions on Smooth Projective Surfaces Up to Picard Rank Four
- Supervisor: David McKinnon
Christine Eagles
- Title: Elimination of Imaginaries in ACFA
- Supervisor: Rahim Moosa
Nicholas Kayban
- Title: Riemannian Immersions and Submersions
- Supervisor: Spiro Karigiannis
Larissa Kroell
- Title: Quantum Graphs
- Supervisor: Matthew Kennedy
Isaac Lee
- Title: Odd Perfect Numbers
- Supervisor: Kevin Hare
Annie Li
- Title: Amenable Commutative Operator Algebras on Hilbert Spaces
- Supervisor: Brian Forrest and Nico Spronk
Kieran Mastel
- Title: The Clifford Theory of the Clifford Group
- Supervisor: William Slofstra
Liam Orovec
- Title: Periodic Beta-Expansions
- Supervisor: Kevin Hare
Caleb Suan
- Title: Differential Operators on Manifolds with G2-Structure
- Supervisor: Spiro Karigiannis
Shun Zhang
- Title: Almost Reducibility of Operators on Hilbert Spaces
- Supervisor: Ken Davidson
Juan Ariza Mejia
- Title: Property (T) for Tracial von Neumann Algebras
- Supervisor: Nico Spronk
Samuel Desrochers
- Title: Assouad Dimension and Non-Embeddability
- Supervisor: Kathryn Hare
Claudia Guerrero Golzalez
- Title: Some applications of the Renewal Theorem to Fractal Geometry
- Supervisor: Kathryn Hare
Marco Handa
- Title: The Canonical Base Property in DCF_O
- Supervisor: Rahim Moosa
Robert Harris
- Title: Fibrations and Monodromies of Torus Knot Complements
- Supervisor: Doug Park
Anton Iliashenko
- Title: The moduli space of ASD connections on compact 4-manifolds
- Supervisor: Spiro Karigiannis
Nicole Kitt
- Title: Representations of SL(n,C)
- Supervisor: Matthew Satriano
Sean Monahan
- Title: An overview of toric varieties
- Supervisor: Matthew Satriano
Xingchi Ruan
- Title: On the Solubility of Diophantine Systems
- Supervisor: Wentang Kuo
Zhihao Zhang
- Title: Derivations on Banach Algebras
- Supervisor: Nico Spronk
Yuming Zhao
- Title: Algebras for Nonlocal Games
- Supervisor: William Slofstra
Jason d'Eon
- Title: Applications of Information Geometry to Machine Learning
- Supervisor: Ruxandra Moraru
Jacob Campbell
- Title: Weingarten calculus for some classical groups and their quantum analogues
- Supervisor: Alexandru Nica
John Dykes
- Title: Vinogradov's Mean Value Theorem
- Supervisor: Yu-Ru Liu
Amanda Garcia
- Title: Random Walks on Finite Groups with Applications to Card Shuffling
- Supervisor: Ben Webster
Adina Goldberg
- Title: Synchronous nonlocal games in multiple quantum models
- Supervisor: Vern Paulsen
Luke MacLean
- Title: Sure it works in theory, but is it effective?
- Supervisor: Barbara Csima
Edward Poon
- Title: Representation Theory of the generalized symmetric group
- Supervisor: Ben Webster
Wilson Poulter
- Title: Zilber's Principle in Practice
- Supervisor: Rahim Moosa
Finlay Rankin
- Title: An Embedding theorem for small Abelian Categories
- Supervisor: Jason Bell
Hayley Reid
- Title: Monogenic Number Fields
- Supervisor: David McKinnon
Jeffrey Samuelson
- Title: A Modern Solution to the Problem of Counting Lines on the Cubic Surface in P3
- Supervisor: Matthew Satriano
Pawel Sarkowicz
- Title: Exact C* -Algebras and the Kirchberg-Phillips Nuclear Embedding Theorem
- Supervisor: Laurent Marcoux
Charles Valero
- Title: Monopoles with Dirac-Type Singularities
- Supervisor: Benoit Charbonneau
Andrej Vukovic
- Title: Arithmetic Invariant Theory: An Overview
- Supervisor: Jerry Xiao Heng Wang
Hussein Ahmad
- Title: Godel's 2nd Incompleteness Theorem and Fragments of Arithmetic
- Supervisor: R. Moosa
Benjamin Anderson-Sackaney
- Title: The Fourier-Stieltjes Algebra and Host's Idempotent Theorem
- Supervisors: N. Spronk and B. Forrest
Eric Boulter
- Title: Born Metrics on Compact Complex Surfaces
- Supervisor: R. Moraru
Kerry Cerqueira
- Title: A modern counterexample to the Von Neumann-Day conjecture
- Supervisors: B. Forrest & N. Spronk
Leah Duffett
- Title: Murasugi's proof of Tait's conjecture on the crossing number of proper alternating links
- Supervisor: D. Park
Joshua Hews
- Title: Bridge position and thin position of knots
- Supervisor: D. Park
Adam Humeniuk
- Title: Existence of the C*-envelope of an Operator System
- Supervisor: K. Davidson
Nicholas Manor
- Title: Entanglement Breaking Quantum Channels and the PPT-Squared Conjecture
- Supervisors: V. Paulsen and M. Kennedy
Jeremy Nicholson
- Title: The affine completeness and functional completeness of the ring Zm
- Supervisor: R. Willard
Daniel Pepper
- Title: Basics of free stochastic integration
- Supervisors: B. Forrest and A. Nica
John Sawatzky
- Title: The Fourier Algebra of a Locally Compact Group
- Supervisors: N. Spronk and B. Forrest
David Urbanik
- Title: Abstract and Explicit Constructions of Jacobian Varieties
- Supervisors: M. Satriano and D. Jao
Dan Ursu
- Title: C* - simplicity of discrete groups
- Supervisor: M. Kennedy
Jake Zimmermann Simmons
- Title: Investigation of a locally finite and residually finite variety
- Supervisor: R. Willard
Gulizar (Seda) Albayrak
- Title: Finite Automata and Algebraicity of Formal Power Series over Finite Fields
- Supervisor: J. Bell
Dylan Butson
- Title: Classical Field Theory in the BV formalism
- Supervisors: K. Costello and M. Satriano
Serina Camungol
- Title: Haar measure on locally compact groups and a fixed point theorem of Day
- Supervisors: N. Spronk and B. Forrest
Jessica Crawford-Brown
- Title: Understanding the One-Dimensional Representations of the Galois Group of the Algebraic Closure of the Rationals over the Rationals
- Supervisor: D. McKinnon
Brandon Doherty
- Title: An Introduction to Homotopy Type Theory
- Supervisor: D. Park
Parham Hamidi
- Title: Ring theoretic properties of Iwasawa algebras
- Supervisor: J. Bell
Christopher Hawthorne
- Title: Formal languages and the model theory of finitely generated free monoids
- Supervisor: R. Moosa
Kun-Hung (Rick) Hsueh
- Title: A Parallel Study of the Fock Space Approach to Classical and Free Brownian Motion
- Supervisor: A. Nica
Drew Johnstone
- Title: Setting a Non-Commutative Framework for Independance of Random Variables, with an eye Towards Free Probability
- Supervisor: A. Nica
Bahaa Khaddaj
- Title: Reduced C*-algebras of totally disconnected groups
- Supervisors: N. Spronk and M. Kennedy
Se-Jin Sam Kim
- Title: Strong Morita Equivalence and Imprimitivity Theorems
- Supervisor: K. Davidson
Justin Laverdure
- Title: The Laws of Finite Pointed Groups
- Supervisor: R. Willard
Anthony McCormick
- Title: Derived Geometry and the Integrability Problem for G-Structures
- Supervisor: S. Karigiannis
Patrick McIntyre
- Title: On the Relationship Between Concentration of Measure and the Isoperimetric Problem
- Supervisor: A. Nica
Kamyar Moshksar
- Title: On Asynchronous Interference Channels
- Supervisor: N. Spronk and B. Forrest
Sylvie Davies
- Title: Primitive Groups, Uniform Minimality, and Direct Products of Automata
- Supervisor: J. Bell
Kari Eifler
- Title: Graph C* Algebras and the Abelian Core
- Supervisor: L. Marcoux and M. Kennedy
Ikenna Ezike
- Title: On the Greedy and Lazy Beta-Expansions
- Supervisor: K.G. Hare
Mireille Suzanne Findleton
- Title: A Simply-Connected Symplectic Calabi-Yau 6-Manifold
- Supervisor: D. Park
Mitchell Haslehurst
- Title: Regularity of Arens Multiplication and Weakly Almost Periodic Functionals on Banach Algebra
- Supervisor: N. Spronk and B. Forrest
Ehsaan Hossain
- Title: The Algebraic Kirchberg-Phillips Conjecture for Leavitt Path Algebras
- Supervisor: J. Bell
Shuming Jia
- Title: The Linear Sieve and Chen's Theorem
- Supervisor: Y-R. Liu
Richard Mack
- Title: On Banach Spaces Admitting Unique Preduals
- Supervisor: N. Spronk
Arthur Mehta
- Title: Semi-pre-C*-Algebras and positivstellensatz
- Supervisor: M. Kennedy
Patrick Naylor
- Title: Lefschetz Fibrations
- Supervisor: D. Park
Emily Neufeld
- Title: On Kolmogorov Complexity and Minimal Pairs of K-Degrees
- Supervisor: B. Csima
Nickolas Rollick
- Title: Integer Points on Genus Zero Projective Curves
- Supervisor: D. McKinnon
Dennis Stauffer
- Title: Additive Properties of Beta-Integers for Quadratic Pisot Numbers
- Supervisor: K.G. Hare
Michael Baker
- Title: Elliptic curves over finite fields and their l-torsion Galois representations
- Supervisor: D. McKinnon
Alexander Berenbeim
- Title: Some Preliminary Steps Towards a Formally Verified Proof of the Weil Conjectures
- Supervisor: D. McKinnon
John Campbell
- Title: Some Problems and Results Related to Nil and Graded-Nilpotent Rings
- Supervisor: J. Bell
Hanci Chi
- Title: On the Weitzenbock Formula and Integrability in Higher Dimensional Gauge Theory
- Supervisor: B. Charbonneau
Zachary Cramer
- Title: Normal Limits of Nilpotents and Normal Operator Similarity Orbits in Purely Infinite C*-Algebras
- Supervisor: L. Marcoux
James Haley
- Title: Strongly Reductive Operators and Strongly Reductive Operator Algebras
- Supervisor: L. Marcoux
Samuel Harris
- Title: Kadison Similarity Problem and Similarity Degree
- Supervisor: L. Marcoux
Samin Riasat
- Title: On Prime Factors of Consecutive Integers
- Supervisor: C. Stewart
Asmita Sodhi
- Title: Classifying Smooth, Compact Toric Surfaces
- Supervisor: D. McKinnon
Rui Philip Xiao
- Title: K-Theory for C*-Algebras and for Topological Spaces
- Supervisor: K. Davidson
Hee Sung Yang
- Title: On the Approximation of Real Numbers with Algebraic Integers of Low Degree
- Supervisor: C. Stewart
Polly Yu
- Title: Spans of Projections in Certain C*-Algebras
- Supervisor: L. Marcoux