Samuel Harris, Texas A&M University
"Applications of graph coloring games to quantum automorphism groups"
In quantum information theory, non-local games can help serve as a verifier, as to whether two parties (Alice and Bob) can perform certain tasks without communication. Of great interest are examples of games where the players can only play the game optimally if they share some form of quantum entanglement. One example of this kind of game is the graph coloring game on classical/quantum graphs. In this talk, we will look at some recent progress on these games, and how they naturally give strong embedding results regarding the quantum automorphism group of a finite-dimensional von Neumann algebra.
Based on joint work with Michael Brannan, Floris Elzinga and Makoto Yamashita.
This seminar will be held jointly online and in person:
- Zoom link:
- Room: MC 5501